Surprise Guest

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"Wow, it's amazing how quiet it is without a three year old running around," Astrid said as she watched Hiccup cooking dinner.
"I forgot what quiet sounded like," Hiccup agreed. "But I kinda miss the noise too." It was the five year anniversary of their betrothal and they were taking the weekend off to celebrate it by staying in the hut they stayed at after they got married. Astrid's parents were more than happy to watch their precious granddaughter which meant they got a break from parenting as well. Of course they couldn't entirely take a break from parenting seeing as Astrid was almost nine months pregnant.
"I still can't believe it's been five years already," Astrid said quietly with a hand resting on her stomach. "It seems like no time and yet forever. Does that even make sense?" Hiccup smiled at sat next to her.
"It makes perfect sense," he agreed, his eyes fixed on her stomach. "Sometimes it feels like this is just a dream."
"Well I can assure you that the painful kicks I keep feeling from this little one are very real," she said and winced a little as she felt a strong kick. They enjoyed a quiet dinner before going to bed. However, they woke up in the middle of the night when Astrid started screaming in pain.
"Astrid! What's going on?!" Hiccup screamed.
"The baby's coming!" She cried, clutching her stomach. Hiccup's eyes widened. She was in much more pain than with Zephyr. There was no way he could leave her like this, her labor was progressing too quickly.
"Astrid, you need to breathe okay." She tried her best to calm down but the pain was too much.
"Water please," she got out shakily. Hiccup nodded and quickly went to get it. When he came back, seeing her in so much pain broke his heart. He knew he was going to have to deliver the baby and the thought terrified him, but he wouldn't let her know that. He lifted her head gently so she could drink the water. "This feels so different from Zephyr," she said, exhaustion filling her voice.
"Do you think that might mean it's a boy?" Hiccup asked with a gentle smile. Astrid just shrugged and sat up a little.
"Whichever it is I think they're in a hurry to be here." As soon as the words were out another contraction hit. She squeezed Hiccup's hands and took deep breaths. When that contraction was over she let go of his hands. "I think I can push on the next one." Hiccup nodded and helped her get as comfortable as possible. Then he grabbed his dagger and some blankets for after the baby was born. "You really think you can do this?"
"Don't really have much of choice do we?" Hiccup replied with a laugh. Astrid looked at her stomach nervously. "Hey, you can do this. You know what to do and I promise I won't drop the baby so we should be good." That made her laugh a little.
"Well I hope you're ready to catch because here comes another contraction," she said quickly before she started pushing. She didn't push for long though, apparently their baby was very eager to see the world.
"You did it! Astrid, you're already done!" Hiccup exclaimed as he caught the baby.
"What is it?" She asked trying to catch he breath.
"We have a son." Hiccup stared at his son in awe. He couldn't believe it, he had a son. The baby let out a loud scream which was his cue to hand him to Astrid. "He's got strong lungs that's for sure."
"Hi my beautiful baby boy," she said gently and looked down at the baby she had been waiting to meet for almost nine months now. "I can't wait till you meet your big sister. She's going to love you." Hiccup sat beside her and couldn't help but smile at them.
"Will you two be okay if I go get mom? Just to make sure everything is okay"
"We'll be fine Hiccup, go ahead." He changed clothes and handed her a blanket to keep the baby warm.
"Hiccup." He turned to face her. "Thank you." He smiled at her before going back to the village. Needless to say, Valka was very surprised when she arrived at the house to see Astrid holding a tiny baby. That was definitely their most memorable anniversary.

First of all, thank you so much for 10k reads. I never imagined my little one shot book would get so far, but here we are now. Second, I'm so sorry I haven't been posting very often. I've got some pretty major decisions to make and that's been taking up quite a bit of my time. Also if you're confused why Hiccup needed the dagger it was to cut the umbilical cord, but for some reason I never wrote that in😄 I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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