Mommy's Break

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    Again I wrote this before long before httyd3 so that's why it doesn't have Zephyr or Nuffink in it.  Anyways enjoy the one shot.

    Astrid was about four months pregnant with their second child, and was having really bad morning sickness.  Hiccup was doing as much as he could, but he was still chief so he couldn't help as much as he would like.  If Astrid just had to deal with the morning sickness it wouldn't be so bad, but she had to take care of her eight month old son too.  He was normally a pretty calm baby, but he was teething which meant he was fussy all the time.  Hiccup decided that Astrid needed a break, so he took a day off to watch Isaac and take care of her.
    "Hiccup, I can help,"  Astrid said and tried to get out of bed.
    "Absolutely not, I want you to rest today,"  he replied and gently pushed her back down.
    "Isaac's going to have to eat at some point, babe.  You can do most things, but that's one thing only I can do,"  Astrid replied knowing she'd caught him on a technicality.
    "So, I'll bring him back up to you, for that and then take him back with me,"  he replied. "No arguments, now go back to sleep."  He kissed her forehead and went to pick up Isaac to take him downstairs.
    "Alright bud, lets see what we can get done for mama today,"  he said and kissed his son's head.  Isaac put his hands in his mouth and made happy baby noises.  His bright green eyes were exactly like his father's.  In fact he was a miniature version of his father.  Hiccup just laughed and went to feed Toothless and Stormfly.  When Stormfly saw Isaac she immediately went over to him.  Isaac put his hands on her and laughed happily.  "You know Stormfly don't you, bud.  Toothless, come here."  Toothless came over and Hiccup put Isaac on top of him.  Isaac smiled and lay down.  "Oh is it time for someone's nap?  How about I take you to your mommy and you can both go to sleep."  He picked up Isaac again, and he began to cry.  "Oh, it's definitely nap time."  He went back inside and took Isaac upstairs.
    "What's wrong, baby?"  Astrid asked and took her fussy baby from Hiccup.  She held him close and he slowly began to quiet down. "That's it, did you just need mommy?"  She lay back down and put Isaac beside her.  He began to cry again.  "Shhhh, mommy's right here, baby.  I'm not going anywhere."  Hiccup turned to go downstairs to let his wife and son sleep. "And where do you think you're going?"  she asked.  "You come back here."
    "Astrid, I have work to do,"  he replied.
    "No, you don't.  You took time off to watch Isaac and take care of me.  How can you do that when we're both in here,"  Astrid replied. Hiccup sighed and sat down beside her.
    "How do I always lose?"  he asked her gently.
    "Because you love me,"  she replied and snuggled closer to him.  They shifted Isaac carefully so he wouldn't wake up.  Astrid rested her head on her husband's shoulder, and held her son close to her.  She closed her eyes and out of habit, rested her free hand on her stomach, feeling the little kicks against it.  She smiled and eventually fell asleep, with the most precious things in the world near her.
    Hiccup tried his best to stay awake but his wife's gentle breathing mixed with that of his son's was slowly putting him to sleep.  The hand that wasn't around Astrid, rested on her stomach and partially on her hand.  He couldn't help smiling when he felt a soft kick against hand.  He loved that he could feel his daughter kick even though she wasn't born yet.  Yes, he thought it was a girl, but he had thought that last time too.  He still couldn't quite believe that this was his life.  His biggest fear was that one day he would wake up and this was all a dream.
    After about an hour, Isaac woke up.  Hiccup got up with him, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes.  He changed Isaac and took him downstairs.
    "Well someone's much happier,"  he said and kissed his son's head.  He put him down on the floor with a little stuffed night fury that Astrid's mother had made for him.  Isaac picked it up and began chewing on one of the wings.  "You want to try standing up again?"  Hiccup asked the baby. He grabbed his tiny hands and helped him up.  "Good job, bud.  Look at you."
    "Dada,"  Isaac babbled happily.
    "Yeah, I'm right here.  Daddy's not letting go,"  Hiccup replied with a huge smile.  That wasn't the first time he had talked, but Hiccup still got excited when he did.  Astrid came down just then.
    "And what are you doing up?"  Hiccup asked her.
    "Coming to enjoy spending time with my husband and son,"  she replied and sat on the floor by Isaac.  The baby smiled widely and reached for her.  She laughed and pulled him into her lap.  There was no question about it, he was a mama's boy for sure.  However, they also know that if they ever have a girl, she'll get anything she wants from Hiccup.
    "Why don't you take Toothless and Stormfly for a flight,"  she said.  "I'll stay here."
    "No, it's your day off,"  he argued.
    "The dragons need to be flown and our son needs to be fed,"  she replied.  "You can be back by the time he's back asleep and that's something I'd have to do anyway.  You'll be helping me out.  Now go."  He kissed her and Isaac before going outside.  "Now it's time for your lunch,"  she said to Isaac.  He smiled and clapped his little hands together.  "I know, let's go,"  she laughed and went upstairs.
    Half an hour later Hiccup came back.  He went upstairs and saw that Astrid was putting a sleeping Isaac in his crib.
    "Did you miss me?"  he asked and kissed her.
    "Always,"  she replied and wrapped her arms around him.  He held her close and they just stood there for a while.  It didn't matter how long they had been together, they hadn't stopped loving each other even a little.  Even when they fought, they would make up and were stronger than they were before.
    "Do you remember what I said to you in the forest on the Edge four years ago,"  Hiccup asked after a while.
    "We were in the forest more than once," Astrid replied with a chuckle.  "Be more specific."
    "When you were blind,"  he said with a loving tone in his voice.
    "You might have to remind,"  she said and kissed him.
    "There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid," he said softly.
    "Always."  They finished.

    Okay so if the punctuation looks a little weird it's because I just copy and pasted it from notes on my phone.  I thought about changing it but frankly it was just too much work.  Also my writing has improved since I wrote this so be patient and I promise it gets better.  I'm starting with the older one shots and working my way up to the new ones.  I'll probably post one more tonight so stick around for that.

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