The Struggles of Being Chief (and Chieftess)

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted, but with Homecoming releasing early I've been avoiding spoilers like crazy. Anyways enjoy some adorable newlywed hiccstrid.

    Days were long and hard for the young leaders of Berk. Ever since their wedding four months ago they had pretty much been working nonstop, and the work didn't stop even after they were back home. Hiccup always had something that needed fixing even without the dragons living there, and Astrid took the time to cook, yes she can cook now, or help Hiccup figure out the plan for the next day.
"Hiccup, it's late, we have to get some sleep," Astrid said wearily. Hiccup nodded and forced himself to stand up.
"How are you not limping?" He asked, groaning with every step.
"Well for one I haven't sat down long enough to get stiff, and two I don't have a prosthetic leg," she said simply. The two somehow made it upstairs to their bedroom and were half asleep before they even got in bed. Unfortunately, that well deserved sleep was short lived because not two hours later, someone knocked on their door.
"Oh what now," Hiccup groaned and tried to get up, but Astrid refused to let him.
"Nooo, staaayy," she said groggily.
"I'll be right back," he said and unwrapped her arms from around his waist. She tried to pull him back but he was already up so she grabbed his pillow instead. He chuckled and pulled on his shirt before heading downstairs. He opened the door to see Sven crying.
"My sheep have all gone missing!" He pleaded.
"You woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me that?" Hiccup asked, trying very hard to control his temper.
"You've got to help me find them!"
"Sven, it's the middle of the night. I won't be able to see them any better than you could. I'll help you in the morning but there's nothing I can do right now. Goodnight." With that he closed the door and went back upstairs.
"Who was it?" Astrid asked and sat up a little, still half asleep.
"Sven's sheep are loose again," Hiccup replied as he sat down and took of his prosthetic. He pulled off his shirt and flopped back in bed. "That does it, we're taking the day off tomorrow."
"What really?" Astrid asked excitedly. "We can really do that?"
"I'm the Chief, so I can kinda do whatever I want," he said with a shrug.
"Yes!" She cheered and rested against his chest. "There is no way I'm leaving this bed tomorrow." Hiccup smirked and looked down at her.
"Not even to go on a date?" She looked up at him curiously.
"I guess it depends who it's with," she shrugged. "Who would this mystery man be?" Hiccup smiled and wrapped his arms around her.
"Well he's tall, auburn hair, oh but he has a limp so I don't know maybe you shouldn't go." Astrid laughed and snuggled closer to him.
"He sounds perfect to me. In fact, he sounds just like my husband."
"What a coincidence, he happens to have the most beautiful wife in the entire world." That made her blush bright red and she was very thankful that it was dark so he couldn't see it. She should've known better. "Did I make the great Chieftess blush?" He asked teasingly.
"Oh shut up and go to sleep."

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