Burning Love

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I found a one shot I wrote for Instagram ages ago😂 It's not as good as one shots I've posted more recently, but I figured it was better than nothing.

"You've never seen anything like me," Grimmel said. Dragons they had never seen before came crashing through the roof of Hiccup's house. Astrid jumped from the ledge to the floor. Her leg gave out but she barely noticed because the dragon was still chasing her. She frantically tried to crawl away, but the dragon sprayed acid and flicked its tail at her leg.
"Astrid!" Hiccup screamed as she collapsed on the floor with the dragon right in front of her. He ran over and quickly pulled her out of the way. The dragon tried to spray acid at them but luckily Valka jumped in front of him.
"Son, you need to get her out of here," she said urgently. Hiccup nodded and quickly rushed outside.
"Hiccup it hurts so much," Astrid sobbed. He held her tightly as he ran toward Gothi's hut.
"I know, just hold on, you're gonna be fine," he said as calmly as he could. He had never seen dragons like those before and he didn't know if they were poisonous.
"Please make it stop," she begged. Hiccup ran even faster. He heard wings flapping overhead and looked up to see Valka flying ahead of him to get Gothi. Hiccup continued to run until he saw Valka coming back toward him. He ran to the nearest house and gently rested Astrid on the ground. Gothi quickly checked her leg and poured something on it. Astrid screamed and grabbed Hiccup's hand.
"It's a disinfectant. It's going to be painful, but it will get rid of the venom," Valka translated.
"So it was deadly?!" Hiccup asked anxiously.
"No, just disorienting," she responded and held Astrid's other leg down. Gothi rubbed a cream on the burn. "This will soothe the area where the acid hit." Hiccup nodded and tried his best to calm Astrid down, but it wasn't working. She was sobbing and screaming uncontrollably. Gothi handed something to Valka and pointed to Astrid's arm.
"Hiccup, you need to hold her arm down while I give this, it'll knock her out until we can finish up on her leg." Hiccup grabbed Astrid's other arm as Valka gave her the drug. Astrid slowly started to calm down until she was completely out. Hiccup carefully lifted her and they went to Gothi's hut so she could wrap up her leg. While they waited for Gothi to finish, Hiccup and Valka sat outside.
"She'll be fine son," Valka said and rested a hand on his shoulder. Hiccup sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"I can't loose her, Mom," he said softly.
"You won't. She's strong, and she won't go without a fight." He nodded but she heard him sniffling quietly. She sighed and wrapped her comforting arms around him. She was so glad that she was able to finally be the mother he had needed all those years.
"I should have been able to save her. If I had just been a little closer I could have-"
"Hiccup it's not your fault. We couldn't have known about the dragons. Astrid will be fine. You brought her to Gothi in plenty of time. Her leg will be sore for a few days, but she'll be back to normal in no time." Just then, Gothi came out and nodded for Hiccup to go in and see her. He scrambled past her and sat beside Astrid. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked over at him.
"Hey how are feeling?" He asked and kissed her hand.
"Okay, but my leg is killing me," she replied and smiled a little, obviously still sleepy from the effects of the drug they used to put her to sleep.
"I'm so sorry, I should have pulled you out of the way sooner."
"Hiccup, it's not your fault," Astrid assured him. He looked away, never letting go of her hand. "Hey, look at me." He looked up and she could see the pain in his eyes. "Don't keep blaming yourself. I don't want you to feel guilty because of me. Promise me that you'll at least try?" He smiled a little and nodded.
"Only for you." He kissed her forehead.
"Oh I think you can do better than that," she said and pulled him back to kiss her lips. They eventually broke apart, both smiling. "Now then, I believe you have an emergency meeting to hold. Help me up."
"What? No way are you go-" he began but when he saw her glare, he decided to leave it unfinished. "You're crazy," he said and helped her stand.
"I learn from the best, babe," she said and kissed his cheek as they headed outside toward the Great Hall.

    What's your favorite time to read httyd one shots? Meaning httyd, rtte, httyd2, httyd3 etc. I feel like I've done so many after httyd3 one shots that maybe writing in a different time would help me get more ideas. Anyway I start school again this week and I'm frankly dreading it. My anxiety hit a major high last semester and I really don't want to have a repeat of that. And the ridiculous thing is, so far I've had A's in all my college classes yet still I panic🤦🏼‍♀️ I guess I'll find out soon how this semester will go. I hope you guys have an awesome week😊

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