Days After the Wedding

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Welcome to my one shot book! I wrote this before httyd3 came out so that's why the dragons are still there. I hope you enjoy it😀

It had been a few days since the biggest celebration on Berk in a long time. The wedding of a chief was always a big deal, but this one was especially important. Hiccup and Astrid had had been officially dating for two years, but had started liking each other at least four years earlier. To say that the village was excited that they were finally married, was the understatement of the century. The minute they announced they were dating, everyone had been asking when they were getting married. Now it had finally happened.
Astrid was standing on the the beach at the Edge, watching the the sun go down behind the ocean. Hiccup had been called back to Berk for the day, and she already hated being away from him. She never imagined that she would marry a chief, but she had and this is something she would have to get used to. It was nice to be back on the Edge without having to worry about being attacked. She closed her eyes, enjoying the cool breeze on her face, and the gentle waves at her feet.
Stormfly chirped behind her, bringing her back to reality. She walked over to her dragon and rested her hand on her head to calm her.
"Nobody's going to hurt me," Astrid said and rubbed the dragon's head, "Everything's fine. Why don't you go play. I'll be right here." Stormfly nuzzled her happily then ran off. Astrid laughed and went back to where she was standing before. She sat down and let her feet touch the water. She was so far from where she wanted to be when she was little. Her five year old self was determined to be a dragon-killing warrior, and marriage wasn't even close to a priority. Jump forward ten years, and, thanks to Hiccup, that began to change. Being a great dragon rider became her goal, and marriage became more of a possibility. Over the next few years, she not only became one of the best dragon riders, but also realized that she had fallen in love.
"Hiccup, how did you manage to turn my world upside down?" she said to herself with a smile. It was true. He changed everything for her. He showed her how amazing dragons were, and through that, she saw who he really was. Now he was the chief of Berk and her husband.
"I don't know, how did I do that?" came a voice from behind her. She turned to see Hiccup laughing at her surprised expression.
"Hiccup Haddock, how long have you been standing there?" she demanded and marched over to him.
"Only a few minutes," he replied between his laughter. She reached up to punch him, but he caught her wrist before she got too close. "I'll stop."
"You'd better," she replied and let out a brief laugh herself. He moved his hand from her wrist to grab her hand. "Is everything back to normal on Berk?"
"Yep, no more emergencies till we get back," he replied.
"Good, I missed you," she said and rested her head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. It still seemed a bit like a dream to him. He was afraid that he would wake up one day to realize it wasn't real.
"I'm here now," he said and kissed her head. "How about we go on a moonlit flight?"
"Thought you'd never ask."

It's rather short because I originally wrote this for Instagram and if you've ever written there, you know how much easier it is to post shorter stories.

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