Final Moments

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Finally one that wasn't written a year ago!  This takes place during Shell Shocked Part 2

"Um, I think they need to discuss some final strategy. Alone," Heather said and tried to get the rest of the dragon riders out of the arena, leaving Hiccup and Astrid alone.
"I take it she knows?" Hiccup asked and grabbed his girlfriend's hand.
"She was suspicious and basically threatened me until I told her,"  Astrid admitted, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.  "But she won't say anything.  She's been waiting for us to get together for longer than I'd care to admit just yet."  Hiccup laughed and the two sat down on the edge of the arena. Astrid leaned against his shoulder, not wanting to waste a single moment with him. She played with their intertwined hands and sighed.
"What's wrong?" Hiccup asked, his voice filled with concern.
"It's just not fair. We've only been together for a little over a month and now we may never get anymore time than that."
"Astrid, don't thi-" Hiccup began but Astrid cut him off.
"We could be killed, Hiccup! Or worse, just one of us could be killed." She stood up and tried to calm herself down. She was still getting used to being able to show her emotions in front of someone else. Hiccup stood up and rested a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm not going to let anything happen to you, that's a promise," He said gently. She chuckled a little and turned to face him, tears staining her face.
"I don't care what happens to me. I don't want to live without you," she said and rested her hands on his shoulders. He smiled and leaned down to kiss her, pulling her against him. They were forced to break apart because air, but neither of them wanted to.
"You protect me, and I'll protect you. Deal?" He asked with a smile.
"Deal." She looked over toward the huts and saw the other riders starting to work on the huts. "We should probably go, they might see us from there." He nodded reluctantly and the two walked hand in hand to join the others. Just before they met up, they let go of each other's hands.
"Did you figure out our strategy?" Snotlout asked.
"Yep, everything is all set. Keep working on those huts and don't forget to do your own," Hiccup said.
"Yeah, yeah I'll remember," Snotlout replied, not bothering to really listen. Hiccup just rolled his eyes, already knowing that he was going to forget.
    "I'm going to go find Heather,"  Astrid said and walked toward her hut, subtly winking at Hiccup. He smiled at her and quickly turned his attention back to the work at hand. Even though at first he didn't quite understand why she wanted to keep it a secret, he was glad they had now.  It was nice having something so special to share only with each other.

    I was rewatching some hiccstrid episodes the other night and got the idea for this one shot.  It's definitely not my favorite but it's fluffy hiccstrid and that's what matters :)

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