First Snoggletog

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    Snoggletog was always a special time for the people of Berk, but it was even more important now that they were on New Berk without their dragons.  It was the second Snoggletog without them, and the pain was slowly getting easier to bear.  The sun was just starting to rise which meant that so was the youngest member of the tribe.  Exactly one week ago, Hiccup and Astrid welcomed a baby girl into the world.  Zephyr Haddock was making sure her parents knew that she had needs that needed to be attended to.
    "Hiccup, your daughter is awake," Astrid said sleepily and shoved his side.
    "Oh now she's suddenly my daughter," he replied.  "What happened to you saying she was your precious little angel last night?"
    "You answered your own question; it was last night," she said and rolled over slowly.  She was still rather sore from giving birth.  Hiccup finally gave in and got up to check on Zephyr.
    "What's the matter baby girl?" He asked softly as he picked her up.  He could immediately tell that she needed to be changed so he took care of that in hopes that she would stop crying.  Unfortunately, she didn't stop.  "Oh, I think I know what's wrong."  He sat back down and gently shook Astrid.
    "I thought you were going to get her," she groaned.
    "She's hungry, and I'm afraid I can't take care of that."  Astrid nodded and sat up, wincing a little.  She took Zephyr into her arms and helped her start eating.
    "Is there anything you want?" Hiccup asked, noticing the pained expression on her face.
    "Maybe one of the snow packs your mom brought over."  Hiccup nodded and went downstairs to get it.  Astrid had a really long labor and because of it she was in pain longer as well.  He went back upstairs and saw that Astrid was falling asleep again.  He smiled and sat beside her, which unfortunately woke her up.
    "Thank you for helping," she said and rested against his shoulder.
    "We're in this together," he said and kissed her head.  Then a thought struck him.  "This is our first Snoggletog since we got married and Zephyr's first Snoggletog."  Astrid looked down at their daughter, who has fallen asleep and couldn't help but smile.
    "I can't believe how much has changed in just a year.  But I must say that I'm very much okay with those changes."  Hiccup smiled and rested a hand gently on Zephyr's head.
    "I hope you aren't disappointed that we have to stay home.  It doesn't seem very special for our first Snoggletog as a family," he said regretfully.  Astrid moved Zephyr so she was resting in her lap.
    "I get to spend the day with the two people I love most, how could I possibly be disappointed?"  He wrapped an arm around her and they stared down at their daughter.  "I want to try to walk," Astrid said after a few minutes.
    "Right now?" Hiccup asked, rather surprised since he knew she was still in pain.
    "I'm tired of sitting in bed all the time, my legs feel stiff and useless."  He nodded and helped her put Zephyr securely between their pillows and blankets.  Then he got up and walked over to Astrid's side of the bed.
    "You're sure you want to do this?"  She nodded and grabbed his hands.  He carefully pulled her up, going as slow as possible.  She winced in pain, but he could tell she was relieved to finally be standing again.  She took a couple of steps before deciding that the pain was getting to be stronger than she'd like.
    "Okay that's enough," she said and sat back down before laying back down beside Zephyr.  She just stared at her sleeping peacefully and couldn't help smiling.  "She's so beautiful, Hiccup," she said softly.  Hiccup lay down on the other side of Zephyr and looked between her and his wife.
    "You both are actually."  She smiled and shook her head at how cheesy her husband could be.  Even though they couldn't do much for their first Snoggletog together, it was still special because they were still all together.

    I hope you all had a very merry Christmas.  I'm working on a short Christmas story so hopefully that will be up soon.  It's almost finished so it shouldn't be too long.

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