Dancing with a Stranger

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  Modern masquerade au

  "Promise you'll be careful," Ingrid called upstairs to her daughter.
    "Mom, I'll be fine, besides Heather said her brother was working security so there's nothing to worry about," Astrid replied as she came downstairs.  "How do I look?"  She was wearing a simple blue dress that fell off her shoulders with a thin silver belt that matched her mask and shoes perfectly (The dress in the picture).
    "You look beautiful, I feel like I'm watching Cinderella happening in front of me," her mom said with a proud smile.  Just then, her father came into the room and his jaw dropped.  "Isn't our daughter beautiful?"
    "Mom, this isn't a fairytale," Astrid replied, rolling her eyes but she was still smiling.
    "Well let us know if Prince Charming shows up," her dad said with a teasing smile.  "I mean it wouldn't surprise me."
    "Dad, you're just as bad as mom.  I'm leaving before you find a pumpkin coach," Astrid replied and quickly went outside.
    "Well somebody's in a rush," Heather laughed when she saw Astrid practically running out of her house.
    "My parents seem to think that going to this party is the equivalent of me being Cinderella," she replied as she got in the car.
    "Now I get the running," Heather laughed.  "I can't believe we actually got invited!  I mean even though Scott is just trying to show off, but who cares, free party!"
    "Free rich party!" Astrid corrected.  "We went to school with millionaires and yet we end up as underpaid teachers."  The two chatted about random things from teaching to why butterfly clips were so popular in the nineties, until they finally pulled up to what literally looked like a palace.
    "This really isn't helping your not Cinderella case," Heather said as she stared at the building in shock.
    "Great, where is Prince Charming then?" Astrid replied sassily.
    "Only one way to find out, let's go be princesses for the night," Heather squealed.  They both got out of the car and followed the crowd of people going inside.
    "Okay, this is easily the most beautiful building I've ever seen," Astrid said when they walked inside.  "If I got to go places like this all the time I will gladly dance the night away with Prince Charming."
    "Well come on, go find one, and see if he's got a friend," Heather teased and shoved her friend forward.  Astrid stumbled and when she finally found her footing again, she glared back at Heather.  She hardly had time to before she bumped into someone.  She looked up to see a tall auburn haired man helping her steady herself.
    "Oh sorry," she apologized.  "My friend was eager for me to get here and quite literally shoved me."
    "Not used to big parties like this?" The young man asked with a friendly smile.
    "I'm usually too busy chasing kids to have time for parties," she laughed.
    "I must say I didn't expect you to have kids."
    "Oh I don't.  I'm a gymnastics teacher."
    "That I'll believe."  Astrid glanced back at Heather who was watching like a proud mother.
    "So, is it against the rules of a masquerade to know names?" She asked, turning her attention back to the masked man in front of her.
    "I don't think so, but even if it is I'd break it anyway.  I'm Hayden."
    "Well in that case, Astrid, may I have this dance?" Hayden asked with a playful bow.
    "I'd be delighted," Astrid replied with a little curtsy before bursting out laughing.  They danced for what felt like hours and after awhile the Prince Charming idea didn't seem so outrageous anymore.
3 years later
    "How much do you think she's going to scream?" Astrid asked as she waited for Heather to pick up her call.
    "Probably enough to blow up your phone," Hayden replied with the same huge smile that had been glued to his face for the past three weeks.
    "Well hi Cinderella," Heather said when she finally picked up.  Ever since the party, that had become her new favorite nickname to use.
    "Hey, I've got a question for you?"
    "How do you feel about being an aunt?"
    "OH MY GOSH ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!" Hayden fell off the couch he was laughing so hard.
    "I take it you approve?" Astrid managed to get out between her own fits of laughter.
    "OF COURSE YOU CRAZIES!!  When are you due?"
    "November nineteenth.  Any morning sickness cures you have would be most welcome."
    "Awww a Thanksgiving baby!  I'm so excited for you guys!"
    "You have to come help out when the baby comes."
    "Try to stop me," Heather replied sassily.  "You guys go get some sleep while you can. Congratulations!"
    "Well I think she's just a little bit excited," Hayden said when she hung up.
    "She's only been waiting for three years.  She's almost as bad as our parents," Astrid laughed.  Their parents started asking for grandbabies before they were even engaged, and almost everyday since they got married.
    Suddenly, Hayden stood up and held out his hand.
    "What are you doing?" She asked suspiciously as he pulled her up.
    "I'm not allowed to dance with you anymore?"
    "You're such a dork," she said but rested her head against his chest anyway.  They silently danced around the living room for a few minutes before she finally spoke again.  "What do you think the baby is?"
    "I think it's a girl," Hayden replied almost instantly.  "And I already know what her name, or at least her middle name, should be."
    "What is it?" She laughed at how excited he was about the idea of having a daughter.
    "As in Cinderella?  You're crazy."

    So sorry for not posting but I've had a busy two weeks.  College classes started back and I've been trying to read more rather than be constantly on my phone all the time.  I have several one shots in the works that I'm super excited for you guys to read, including part 2 of the Pirates inspired story.  I promise I haven't forgotten about, I'm just struggling with how to end it.  Anyway I hope you all have a great week😀

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