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This takes place in season 1 of rtte during Have Dragon Will Travel.  Warning you now that it's super cheesy but whatever.  Sometimes we need a little hiccstrid fluff.

Astrid's POV

      I was headed for the stables to go on a flight before dinner.  Something was off though.  I hadn't seen Hiccup on my way.  Usually he was in his hut or the clubhouse working on something.  I shrugged it off and continued walking.  When I got close I heard Heather's voice.
    'I wonder who she's talking to?'  Then I heard Hiccup's voice.  I was confused until I saw the shadow they cast.  They were hugging, maybe even kissing.  My heart shattered, I turned and headed back to my hut, stifling the tears that burned my eyes.  Tuff tried to talk to me, but I just shoved him aside and ran the rest of the way.  Once I finally made it to my hut, I heard Hiccup calling behind me.  I ignored him and slammed the door shut.  I shouldn't get so upset about this, I'm a warrior, not some silly princess who can't lift an axe.  But I loved him.  I couldn't deny it to myself no matter how much I denied it to everyone else.  I sat against the wall by the door and allowed the painful tears to flow.  Why does love have to hurt like this?  I heard him land outside, but for once I didn't want to see him.  He knocked on the door, but I didn't open it.
    "Astrid, are you okay?"  he asked.
    "Go away!"  I yelled back.  I never would say that normally, but it wasn't a normal day.
    "Astrid, please, open the door,"  he said in a gentle but firm voice.
    "It's not locked,"  I replied and buried my face in my knees.  I heard him coming over to me, and I hid my face even more.
    "Hey, what's wrong?"  he asked
    "I don't want to talk about it,"  I replied.  "Please, just leave me alone."  He put one hand on my shoulder and used his other to make me look at him.  I was met by his forest green eyes, the same ones that made me fall in love with him.  Seeing him made my heart break even more.  I didn't think it was possible.
    "Astrid, you know you can tell me anything,"  he said in such a gentle voice, that sent shivers down my spine.  Why did he have to fall for Heather?  I wonder if he looked at her this way?
    "I can't, not yet,"  I replied, my voice was still shaking but I had stopped crying.  "You should go find Heather, she'll be wondering where you are."
    "What?  Why would she care?"  he asked.  Was he seriously denying this?
    "I saw you in the stables."  I saw something click in his mind.
    "Astrid, I was telling her that she could depend on us to be there for her, she was thanking me."  I felt my face flush.  They weren't dating?  They were just talking.
    "I.... I thought you were...."  I managed to get out.  He just chuckled and wiped the remaining tear from my face.
    "Astrid, I could never see Heather as anything more than a friend, because I love someone else,"  he said plainly as could be, but something in it made my heart race.  Could I ever hope that he could love me?  I decided I would play it casually.
    "And who is this mystery girl?"
    "The most beautiful girl I've ever seen, she's always been there for me, even when my own father wasn't,"  he replied and came a little closer to me.  I held my breath, as he spoke again.  "I just hope she can someday feel the same way about me.  Do you think she will?"
    "No,"  I replied.  His face fell.  "She already does."  He smiled widely and pulled me into his arms.  I smiled and rested against him.  I had never felt so safe.  He looked down at me and I just buried my face against him even more.
    "Oh no you don't,"  he laughed as he turned my face towards him and leaned down and kissed me.  I laughed but didn't hesitate to kiss back.  After we broke apart we just laughed and sat there talking.
    "I have to go to Berk, can you hold things down till I get back?"  he  asked.
    "I guess so, but why do you have to go?"  I replied and snuggled closer to him.
    "I have to talk to my dad, but I'll be back tonight.  You can survive without me till then,"  he kissed my head and chuckled.
    "But I don't want to.  I want you to stay here with me,"  I replied.
    "What if we make a deal?  If I go, We'll go on a flight when I get back, okay?"  I nodded and hugged him tightly before we got up.  Before we left my hut he pulled me close and kissed me one more time.
    "Hurry, back.  I'll miss you,"  I said.
    "I will, milady."  And with that, he flew off to Berk.  I leaned against my hut and slid down the wall in pure joy.  I couldn't wait till he got back.
    It seemed like ages since Hiccup left, and I was waiting in the clubhouse for him.  I didn't know it, but I ended up falling asleep.  After a while, I felt strong arms wrap around me.  I looked up and saw Hiccup.
    "When did you get back?"
    "About twenty minutes ago, but you looked so comfortable I thought I'd let you sleep a little longer,"  he replied.  "You ready?"
    "Of course."  He grabbed my hand and we went to find Toothless.
    "After you, milady,"  he said and laughed.
    "Such a gentleman,"  I replied with a laugh.  He got on in front of me, and I wrapped my arms around him.  "This brings back memories."
    "It sure does,"  he replied and I lay against him contentedly.  "Astrid?"
    "Did you know I love you?"  he asked me.
    "I do now.  And I love you too,"  I replied and kissed his cheek.  "More than you know."  He turned and smiled at me.
    "I don't know how you could love me,"  he said.
    "It's easy, you look at me and make me fall even harder.  I can't exactly explain it, but I know that I love you."  I said.
    "I still don't understand it, but I know you wouldn't lie to me,"  he replied.  "I love you too.  I don't want to live without you.  Ever."
    "I hope you don't plan on going anywhere, because I don't want to live without you either,"  I replied.  "Please don't leave me."  I started crying again.  I must be going soft.  He saw me crying and told Toothless to land immediately.  We stopped in the woods near the beach.  He immediately jumped off and helped me down.
    "What's with the tears?"  he asked and hugged me tightly.
    "Just hold me,"  I replied and squeezed him so tight that I'm surprised he could still breathe.  We walked to the beach and sat down.  He hadn't let go of me, just like I asked.  We sat there in silence, just listening to the ocean waves crashing.  I tried my best to stay awake but I must have failed because I woke up in my bed in the morning.  I walked outside and saw Hiccup working on one of his projects.  Then the memories of yesterday began to fade.  No! It was a dream!  The tears, the flight, the kisses, everything.
    I saw him wave at me and I smiled.  I waved back to him.  My best friend.  Friend.  I hated that word.

    Sorry if the ending made you mad but I had to add some drama in there.  I wrote this ages ago so sorry if the writing is cringe and choppy.  I promise it gets better😄

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