You Promised

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    Takes place after httyd2.  Again, I wrote this long before httyd3 came out.  I think I actually wrote it even before we had the title.  Anyways, enjoy.

     Word had just reached Berk that the Defenders of the Wing were under attack.  The dangerous thing was that it was the dragon hunters, led by Ryker, who were attacking.  Yes, Ryker.  The riders were preparing to leave, when a problem came up.
    "Astrid, you're not going,"  Hiccup said firmly.
    "Hiccup, I can still fight!"  she said determinedly.
    "I didn't say you couldn't, I said you aren't,"  he replied.  The reason for their disagreement will require a bit of backstory.  Three months after Hiccup became chief, he and Astrid got married.  Six months later, they found out they were going to be parents.  Back to the present, Astrid is almost seven months pregnant.  You're on Hiccup's side now, aren't you?
    "You could get hurt though,"  she said with tears in her eyes.  He reached up and rubbed away the tear that was falling.
    "I'll be extra careful,"  he promised and kissed her before flying off with the other riders.  Astrid went back home, and that night, she cried herself to sleep.
    Three weeks later, the riders came back.  Astrid and Valka were already waiting in the plaza, but Hiccup wasn't in sight.
    Then.... Fishlegs, Snotlout, and the twins went over to them.
    "Where is he?"  Astrid asked, her voice was shaking.
    "We don't know, no one's seen him since the battle,"  Fishlegs said gravely.  "We looked everywhere, but all we found was this."  He held out Hiccup's dagger.  When Astrid saw it, she broke down in tears.  She was shaking, and her cries were agonizing to hear.  Suddenly, she doubled over in pain.  She looked down and saw water running down her leg.
    "She's going into labor,"  Valka said with concern.  She and Ruff helped Astrid to the house, while Fishlegs, Snotlout, and Tuff went to get Ingrid and Gothi.
    Hours later, the cry of a baby boy filled the house.  Valka handed the baby to Astrid, who immediately held him close in an attempt to calm him down.  After realizing who was holding him, the small baby began to quiet down.  Astrid looked down at her son, and tears began to fall when she saw his eyes.  Bright forest green, just like Hiccup.  She wished he was there to meet his son.
    "What's his name?"  Valka asked.
    "Stoick Horrendous Haddock,"  she replied with a smile.  "We decided to name him after Stoick, but I want him to be named after his father too."  Valka smiled and gently took the baby to go clean him off.  Ingrid went over to her daughter and sat beside her.
    "You did wonderfully,"  she said.
    "I just wish Hiccup was here,"  Astrid said and wiped the tears off her face.
    "I know.  I never wanted this for you,"  Ingrid replied sadly.  "And neither did he."
    "I just never thought I would have to do this without him."
    A week later, Astrid was walking around more, but she couldn't leave the house.  It was about midnight, and she had just put Stoick back to bed.  She went downstairs and saw a stranger standing in the doorway.
    "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"  she yelled and grabbed a dagger.
    "Keeping my promise,"  the stranger replied.  Astrid immediately recognized his voice, and tears filled her eyes.
    "Hiccup, you're alive!"  she cried and ran into his arms.  He held her close and tried to calm her down.  She cried, not tears of sadness, but tears of joy.
    "I thought I lost you,"  she whispered.
    "Never,"  he said.  "I had a promise to keep."  Then he noticed that she was smaller than she was before.  "Astrid, what happened to the baby?"  She grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs.  She let go once they entered their room and went to pick up Stoick.  When Hiccup saw his son, he froze.
    "He came a week ago,"  she said and handed the baby to him.  "His name is Stoick Horrendous Haddock."  Hiccup couldn't keep his eyes off the child.  This was his son.  He was a father.
    "I wish I could have been with you,"  he said sadly.  She smiled at him.
    "I'm just glad you're here now,"  she replied.  Then she woke up.  Astrid looked next to her and saw that the place beside her was empty.  It was all a dream, Hiccup was gone.  She began shaking and sobbed into her pillow.  She did her best to muffle them, so she wouldn't wake up Stoick.  She cried for what felt like hours, then she felt rough hands on her shoulders.  She looked up and saw Hiccup trying to calm her.  She quickly wrapped her arms around him and cried into his shoulder.  He held her close and rubbed her back gently.
    "You're okay, I'm here,"  he whispered.  He began to pull away, but she held him tighter.
    "Don't let go,"  she pleaded.  He kissed her head and continued holding her.
    "Never."  Their quiet moment was disturbed by a cry from the other side of the room.  Hiccup laughed as Astrid groaned and went to get their son.  She got back in bed, and put Stoick on a blanket in front of her and Hiccup.  The baby looked up at his parents and smiled happily.  Their little family was perfect, and none of them would change it for anything.

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