Coming Home (Modern au)

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    "Five more hours," Astrid said and looked at her phone.  It's been four years since she last saw her best friend and he was finally coming back today.  After high school, Astrid went on to college to study nursing, and Hayden joined the army.  They kept in contact, but they hadn't seen each other in person since he left.
    "Girl we have got to do something, I'm not going to watch you sit here and do nothing till he gets here," Heather said and grabbed her keys.
    "Heather I'm fine, I'll just study for my exams," she replied and turned off the tv.
    "You know perfectly well that you've already finished all of your exams.  Quit stalling, come on it'll be fun."  Astrid rolled her eyes and stood up to face her.
    "I can't talk you out of this can I?"
    "Nope, go get changed," Heather said and shoved her upstairs.
    "Wow I didn't know I would have a second mom while my parents were out of town," Astrid shot back from her room.
    "Less talk more changing!"  Astrid just laughed and found a blue shirt and a pair of black leggings to wear and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.  She thought about putting on makeup but decided to wait until later.  She would never admit it out loud but she was nervous about seeing him again.
    "No makeup?"  Heather asked when she came down.
    "Not yet, I'll put some on before I go to the airport," Astrid replied and pulled on her converse.  "I'm all set, where are you dragging me?"
    "First things first, Chick-fil-A," Heather said as they walked outside.
    "Always a good choice, and then?"
    "Shopping, a movie, whatever.  We've got time to kill."  They got their food and decided on going to a movie.
    "How did you not cry?  It's the Lion King!"  Heather exclaimed as she cleaned up her streaked mascara when they were walking out of the theater.
    "I got my tears out on the original when I was seven," Astrid replied with a chuckle.
    "Well, let's go to the park, I need to stop crying like a maniac," Heather said and dragged her out to the car.
    "So when are you going to admit that you like Hayden?"  She asked suddenly making Astrid choke.
    "What are you-"
    "I'm not blind Astrid.  I know you like him and I know he likes you."
    "You don't know that.  He's never said that."  Heather just shook her head at how oblivious her friends were.  "Is it really that obvious?"
    "To everyone but you guys."  Astrid looked at her phone and pretended the conversation never started.  When they got to the park they found a nice shady spot under a tree.
    "Astrid, there's a really cute guy that's totally checking you out," Heather said mischievously.
    "Oh lucky me," Astrid said without looking up from her book.
    "No seriously, look."
    "If you're convinced that I like Hayden than why are you so anxious for me to-" she looked up and gasped.  "Oh my gosh," she said in almost a whisper.  She got up so fast she almost ran over Heather.  She ran as fast as she could and practically jumped into Hayden's arms.
    "Well that's a nice welcome," he chuckled softly.
    "Why didn't you tell me you were flying in sooner?"  Astrid said and looked up at him.
    "I wanted to surprise you, but I did have a little help," he nodded over toward Heather who had a triumphant smile on her face.
    "Well now that I've done my part, Eric is taking me to dinner tonight so I better get going," Heather said.  "Welcome home Hayden."  She walked away and Hayden and Astrid were left on their own.
    "How does it feel to be home again?"  Astrid asked as they walked back to the tree she and Heather were at before.
    "It's good but weird at the same time.  Living in my parents house again after four years away from it will take some getting used to," he replied and lay back on the blanket.  "I missed you."
    "I missed you too," Astrid said and smiled.  Hayden grabbed her hand and looked at her.
    "What are we doing here?"  He said after a few minutes.
    "I don't know, I thought we were talking, but-" Astrid began not exactly sure where he was taking this.
    "No, I mean us."  She nodded slightly.  "I know we've been best friends for forever, but I don't think I can keep lying anymore."
    "Lying? How are you lying?"  She asked with concern.
    "I care about you Astrid, more than just a best friend," he said and sat up.
    "Well, I'm glad to hear that because it would be awkward if I said I liked you and you didn't feel the same way," Astrid said and smiled.
    "Oh I don't like you, Astrid."  Her face fell and she quickly got up and walked away, her face bright red.  "Astrid wait!"  He grabbed her arm and turned her to face him.  His heart nearly broke when he saw tears streaming down her face.  "I think I'm in love with you."
    "R-really?"  She choked out.  He smiled and leaned down to kiss her.  She kissed back but the tears continued to fall.
    "Hey, what's with the tears?"  He asked gently and wiped a few of them away.
    "I love you," she admitted softly.  "So so much."  He held her close and couldn't help the smile on his face.  I guess four years apart brought them closer together in the end.

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