Leaving Behind Our Memories

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Set during httyd3 (basically pure fluff so if you don't like that maybe skip this one)

    Berk was overcrowded, their way of life was under attack, and their Chief had to make the difficult decision to leave their island in search of a new home. Despite it being the middle of the night, the whole island was full of people rushing around packing up as much of their belongings as they could. Well, almost everyone.

    Valka had offered to look through what had survived of the Chief's house while her son took a moment to process what he had to do. As much as he knew he needed to be present to help his people, he knew he needed to go off on his own for a little bit first. He was still grieving the loss of his father and now he was abandoning the only place he had left with memories of him.

    He flew to the cove, which had been his favorite place since he was a small boy, and sat by the water, thinking about what he had done.

    "What if this is a mistake," he said out loud. Toothless tilted his head as if trying to understand what was going through his friend's mind. "If we just had a little more time we could relocate the majority of the dragons but who knows when Grimmel will come back."

    Toothless put his head in Hiccup's lap in a way that said "it will be okay, I'm still here."

    "I had a feeling I'd find you here," came a voice from behind him. Astrid walked over and sat beside him, petting Toothless's head gently.

    "Am I doing the right thing?" Hiccup said after a moment. "I mean you said it yourself, this is our home of seven generations. What if this is exactly what Grimmel wants me to do?"

    They were silent for a few minutes before Astrid spoke again. "I don't know if this is the right move or not, and maybe this is what he wants, but I trust you. That won't change regardless of what happens." She gently reached over and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers. "If you go, I go, and if you stay, I stay."

    "I really don't deserve you," Hiccup said and smiled at her.

    "It's not about deserve," she shrugged and leaned her head against his shoulder, smiling when he wrapped his free arm around her. "It's because no matter what happens it won't change the fact that I love you. And neither of us can change that."

    Hiccup smiled, thinking how lucky he was. Then he realized something. "You know, this place has a lot of memories for us too." She smiled, reaching up and kissing his cheek.

    "As if I could forget," she replied. "You know that night was the first time I really felt free."

    "Really? Getting kidnapped by the village failure and a dragon was what made you feel free?" She laughed and shoved him lightly.

    "In a way yes. I had always felt the pressure to be perfect. Everyone was watching me all the time and I was worried I'd let them down. But that night with you, I didn't feel that anymore. I didn't have to act perfect around you." She looked over to where Toothless had started playing with Stormfly and smiled a little sadly. "I'm going to miss this."

    "I know." Hiccup stood up, and walked toward the place where his old shield was still stuck between the rocks. "Listen, you really don't have to go. I understand, it's a lot to ask of everyone, so anyone who wants to can leave."

    Astrid stood up and walked over to him. She gently rested a hand on his shoulder. "Hiccup, I already told you, I go where you go. End of story. Yes, this is where I grew up, but that doesn't mean nowhere will ever be home for me. Just like you said, Berk is more than a place, and so is my home." Hiccup looked at her, a slightly confused expression on his face. "Oh you idiot," she said rolling her eyes, and pulling him into a kiss. "You are my home, Hiccup."

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written a one shot. Sorry for any grammar errors or just a general lower quality writing. Again, it's been awhile so I'm a little out of practice. I'll try to get the other two one shots I mentioned ready before the end of the month, but no promises. Thank you so much for all of you who stuck around even when I stopped posting, I really appreciate it. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week.

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