When We're Ready

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It's been a mere three weeks since the most celebrated wedding in Berk history. Yet somehow it didn't seem to satisfy the majority of the village. It was as if they had a checklist on their Chief's life. Girlfriend? Check. Betrothed? Check. Wife? Check. Baby? That apparently was what the village was currently waiting for and unfortunately liked to remind their leaders of that fact.
"Well only ten people asked me if I was pregnant today so I guess that's a start," Astrid said one night as they were getting ready for bed.
"I got about twenty, but several more were giving advice on how to take care of a baby," Hiccup replied, obvious annoyance and exhaustion evident in his voice. Normally couples would go through the awkward when to have kids discussions, but oh no, not for them. They had no choice but to completely bypass that or else their lives would be awkward nonstop.
"After all the years of constantly asking when we were getting married I thought we'd be off the hook for awhile," she said and flopped down on the bed.
"This is one of the many times I wish Dad was a fisherman or something other than Chief," Hiccup added sitting beside her. "I would say we should go away for a week or even a few days, but that would only make it worse."
"Why can't they just wait for us to decide? It is our lives their talking about, and our future child." She hadn't realized but she'd started yelling, and her hands were shaking.
"Hey, it's okay," Hiccup said gently and grabbed both her hands, rubbing them with his thumbs. "No one gets to make that decision but you and me. Deal?" She smiled gratefully and leaned in to kiss him.
"Deal," she said softly after they separated.
"When we're ready, and not when everyone else tries to tell us. It's not like they can actually force us anyway." That made Astrid laugh.
"Will we ever really be ready though?" She asked skeptically.
"I guess we'll find out eventually." Then he seemed to think of something. "You know, we've never actually discussed when we want to have kids. So far we've only talked about when everyone else wants us to."
"You know, I hadn't really thought about it," Astrid chuckled. "How did we never think about that?" Hiccup just shrugged and pulled her down to snuggle against his chest. She smiled and pulled the blankets up around them, and felt her chill bumps start to thaw.
"So do you have any particular time in mind? You have the harder job at first so we're on your timetable."
"Hmm, maybe a year or so," she said with a shrug. "I mean we don't even know if I can get pregnant so I don't want to wait for too long. And, I don't think I want just one." This last statement was a surprise to Hiccup.
"Any particular reason? I think more than one is great, but I'm just curious."
"We both know how lonely being an only child can be when you're growing up. I don't want our kids to feel that way." She didn't realize it, but just by saying that she had already proved that she would be a great mom. And it was a good thing too.
Six months later they found out that their plan of a year wasn't gonna happen. Astrid was about seven weeks pregnant and absolutely miserable.
"Whoever the genius was who called this crap 'morning sickness' deserves to be caught in a dragon stampede," she said angrily as she wiped her mouth after throwing up for the tenth time that day.
"I wish I could do more to help," Hiccup said sadly.
"You're doing plenty," she said with a weak smile and fixed her ponytail. After one too many times not getting to the bathroom quick enough, she had decided to change her everyday hairstyle to a ponytail. A lot harder to get vomit in.
"So what food is little one saying you can eat today?" He asked and helped her up.
"Hmm, I think just fruit today," she said after thinking for a minute. "And lots of water. I've thrown up anything remotely hydrating and I think our child might need that." Despite how miserable she'd been lately, she was already so unbelievably in love with their baby. She would gladly deal with morning sickness for the entire nine months if it still meant bringing a healthy baby into the world.
"You know you really don't need to go to the meetings today," Hiccup reminded her while she ate.
"Unless you want everyone to know about the baby then I have to," she shrugged. "I should be fine. It's usually better in the afternoons and I'm eating which seems to help too." If she was being completely honest with herself, when she felt miserable she wanted to be near him. She had been that way before she got pregnant but with her hormones all over the place it was amplified significantly.
"You don't want anyone to know?" Hiccup asked, a puzzled expression on his face.
"Not yet. I want to be certain he or she will make it."
"Don't worry. I'm sure our child is just as strong as you. You'll both get through this just fine."

Okay I'm letting you know right now that I more than likely won't have a story up next weekend, yay midterms😒 I'm also in a major reading slump which is absolutely terrible because I really want to read but I have zero motivation. Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful week and if you have midterms coming up anytime soon as well, best of luck😬

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