The House

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    "Come on Hiccup just let me see it!"  Astrid begged and tried to reach for the drawing her fiancé was holding just out of her reach.
    "No can do, you'll just have to wait until after the wedding," Hiccup replied and kissed her forehead.  She crossed her arms and frowned.
    "Not even a little hint?"  Hiccup rolled his eyes and started walking away.  "Hiccup Haddock you come back here!"  He just laughed and turned toward her again.  Then she got a mischievous look on her face.  "Have I mentioned how much I love you today?"  She said sweetly and rested her arms around his neck.  She reached up and kissed him, trying of course to distract him so she could peek at the designs he was hiding.  She eventually pulled back, still acting overly sweet.
    "Nice try milady, but I'm still not going to show you the designs yet."  She huffed and punches his arm before walking off.
    "Better get used to that," came Gobber's voice from nearby.
    "You're telling me," Hiccup replied and rubbed his now sore arm.  One thing he had learned over the years is that sometimes it was better to let Astrid storm off for awhile.  The alternative was always much more painful.  Hiccup chuckled a little to himself and went back to his tent to keep working on the designs for their house.  Yes, this was what she was so anxious to see, but Hiccup really wanted it to be a surprise.  And the best part was that they had both helped with the building process but she had no clue it would be theirs.  Hiccup was rather proud of himself for being able to pull that one off.  He knew she'd be trying to figure out which one was theirs, so he intentionally had her doing a lot of work on it, making her eliminate it from her suspicions.
    Hiccup continued working well into the evening and just as he was about to go out, it started storming.
    "I guess that means I'm staying here for the night," he said and went back to his desk.  He rather liked storms, which sounds weird but it was mainly because it made him think of Toothless.  After all, he's "the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself."  Hiccup still laughed when he thought about that description.  It was pretty much the exact opposite of the way he would describe his best friend.  His thoughts were interrupted when a dripping wet Astrid stood shaking at the door of his tent.
    "Astrid, what are y-" but before he could finish, a loud clap of thunder sounded and he realized why she was there.  "Come here."  She ran into his arms, trying her best not to cry.  Ever since she went blind on the Edge, she's been terrified of thunderstorms and rightfully so.  "It's okay.  You're safe," Hiccup said gently.
    "Why am I like this?"  She sniffled as he wiped her tears gently with his thumbs.  "I feel so weak."
    "Hey, don't think like that," Hiccup assured her.  "We all have things we're afraid of, that's what makes us human." BShe looked up at him with a confused expression on her face.  "What?"
    "How do always know exactly what to say?"  She said softly.  "You could be with any girl you wanted.  Why me?"  He smiled and brushed away a strand of hair that was stuck to her face.
    "Because your the only one that I love," he said simply.  "Astrid, you were my first crush and the only girl I've ever loved.  That hasn't changed and it never will."  She smiled a little with tears in her eyes, and hugged him tightly.
    "I love you so much, Hiccup," she said against his shoulder.
    "I love you too," he replied and kissed her forehead.  "Now, let's get you dried off and warm."

    I feel like it's been forever since I talked to you guys.  I don't know when it will be up, but I am working on a short Christmas story.  It's a modern Hallmark style story and basically pure fluff.  I have a nice long break from dance and school so I should be able to write a lot right? Wrong.  You see there's this wonderful invention called books and let me tell you I am in such a reading mood right now.  I will still write, but I don't know how much😂  Also, I'm starting to run out of one shot ideas so feel free to comment some ideas.  That doesn't guarantee that I'll use them though, I have to actually have inspiration to go with the idea. Also nothing inappropriate. I don't like smut stories and therefore I don't write them.  Anyways, I hope you have a great day, and if I don't post until afterwards then Merry Christmas🎄

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