I'll Be Fine

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    Takes place during rtte season 3 episode 13

    "Hiccup, good luck," Astrid said as he was pushed towards 'the nest' by Throk.
    "I'll be fine," he replied with a smile before getting shoved again.
    "So, he can train any dragon?" Heather asked.
    "Except for a few," Astrid began. "Whispering Deaths, Changewings..."
    "And Speed Stingers," Hiccup said nervously as he stared down at a pit full of them.  He hardly had time to take it in, when he was pushed in.
    "Hiccup!" Astrid called and ran toward the edge of the pit, only to be stopped by Mala's sword.  But that didn't stop her for long, she called again and tried to get to him.  Throk had stopped her this time and she struggled against him.
    "I'm okay!" Hiccup called up.  "So far," he said a little quieter.
    "Let me go!  You're going to throw me in anyway so let me go!"  She pushed against him as hard she could and soon found herself falling in.
    "Astrid!  What have you done, you're going get killed!"
    "I was going to do that anyway, so I'd rather not die alone."  He smiled at her quickly before turning his attention back to the stingers.  They stood back to back in order to see when the stingers were coming from any direction.  "So any ideas?"
    "Uh, try to train them?" he replied uncertainly.
    "Try?!" she exclaimed.  "That doesn't exactly fill me with confidence."  He chuckled a little.  He glanced at her briefly before grabbing one of her hands with his.  She turned her head slightly and smiled.  Before she could say anything, a familiar black dragon flew in with them.  Within minutes, they were safely out of the pit and on better terms with the Defenders of the Wing.
Later that day
    "Astrid, can I talk to you for a minute?" Hiccup asked.  She nodded and followed him quietly.
    "Why did you do it?" he asked once they were safely out of earshot.
    "I told you, I-"
    "Astrid, I know you better than that, please don't lie to me again." 
    'Why did he have to bring that up?' she thought.  It was still an open wound for her.
    "Hiccup, please don't ask."
    "Astrid, please tell me."
    "Because I couldn't bear the thought of loosing you!  There, are you happy?" she yelled and tears of anger and brokenness streamed down her face.  He pulled her into his arms as she continued crying.  She held him so tightly he could hardly breathe.  He didn't care though.
    "I can't imagine a world without you in it," he whispered.  She chuckled and looked up at him.  He wiped away the remaining tears from her face, and rested his head against hers.
    "Would you just kiss me already!" she demanded.  He laughed and gladly did as she asked.
    "Please tell me that you weren't kissing your friend," she said with a slight smirk.
    "I was kissing my girlfriend,"  Hiccup replied.  "And I plan to for the rest of my life."

    Happy 2020 guys!!  I can't believe it's really a new year already.  Time really flew by fast this year.  Anyway I hope you like this super old one shot. I had to tweak a few things because apparently I had no clue what grammar was and I probably still missed a few.  Oh well, it is what it is I guess😄

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