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I'm so sorry for not posting lately. Thankfully I'm done with school now and I do have several one shots very close to being ready. I've had a rough couple of months to say the least. I lost my uncle to covid last month, and obviously that's been hard on my family. As if that wasn't enough, I tore my meniscus (cartilage in the knee) over a month ago and only now am I starting treatment for it. And to top it all off my mom is sick and in quite a bit of pain because of it. You can see why I haven't had posting stories very high on my priorities list recently. In less depressing news, but still part of why my posting is inconsistent, I do have an actual job which takes up a lot of my time. I'm hoping to have a one shot up by next weekend but I won't promise that so you aren't disappointed if it's not up by then. One final thing. If ever you want to know why I haven't posted, check out the conversations on my account. I have been updating there lately so I don't have to write a big long explanation in here. Until next time, have a blessed day.

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