First to Believe In You

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    So I'm working on another one shot that literally starts the same way😂  The rest of the one shot isn't but I thought it was really funny that they start out so similar.  Anyway, enjoy this rather old one shot.

    It's been about a week since Toothless left to find the Light Fury, and to say that Hiccup was stressed was an understatement. Astrid was doing her best to help, but sometimes he was too stubborn for his own good.
    "Hiccup, you're doing fine, calm down," Astrid said one morning while they ate breakfast with the rest of the village.
    "How am I supposed to lead without Toothless?" He said and ran his hands through his hair.
    "You're a great leader with or without Toothless," she said seriously.
    "Please don't lie to me again," he said without looking up at her.  She just stared at him in shock and stood up.
    "Fine."  She walked away from him and into the woods.  Hiccup looked up briefly and was met my a punch to the arm.
    "What's the matter with you!" Fishlegs whisper yelled.  Hiccup looked up at him curiously and rubbed his sore arm.
    "What are you talking about?" Hiccup asked, with obvious annoyance in his voice.
    "Do you realize how much Astrid has done for you?" Fishlegs said angrily and sat beside him.
    "What?  Of course I do," Hiccup said in surprise.
    "Apparently you don't.  Astrid has been there for you since day one.  She was always the first to follow you and the last to leave.  Even when the entire village was against you, she stayed by your side.  Before we found the Dragon Eye, we all moved on and found other jobs, except for Astrid.  She stayed with you as long as she could but even when she was going to leave, she never wanted to.  She was your second in command on the Edge and trusted you with her life.  And her heart.  There's a reason you two work well together.  You two know each other better than anyone else.  Trust her."  Hiccup sat there in silence and after a few minutes, Fishlegs walked away.  Hiccup thought about what he said, and saw that he was right.  He had to find her and make things right.
    "Hey Mom have you-" he began when he saw Valka coming near him.
    "She's in the cove," Valka said simply.  Hiccup nodded and ran as fast as he could to the cove.  When he got there, he saw Astrid sitting peacefully by the lake with her feet in the water.  He took a deep breath and swallowed his pride before walking up to her.
    "Well what brings the great Chief of Berk here?  Oh right, I'm your General," Astrid said coldly without looking back at him.
    "Astrid, I messed up.  Again," he said and took a step closer to her.  She scoffed a little.
    "You think?"  He took a deep breath and sat beside her.
    "I can't change the way I see myself-" he began and she just rolled her eyes.  "Without your help."  She caught her breath and turned to look at him.  "Astrid you've always been there for me and I was an idiot to not see that sooner.  I let you down and I'm so sorry for that.  I just-"  She rested a hand on his shoulder and nodded for him to continue.  "I just don't know who I am without Toothless.  I know I should but I don't."  He wiped away a few tears and looked out over the lake.  The two sat there quietly for a moment.
    "I do," Astrid said, breaking the silence.  "When I look at you, I see so much more than a Chief.  I see a leader, and one I would follow until the end.  I've seen many chiefs but very few of them were leaders.  You are one of them, and your father was another.  The people respect you, Hiccup.  Why else would they have come all the way out here?"  He chuckled a little at that.  "But I see something they don't.  I see how far you've come.  I've been there since day one and I'm so proud of you."  She took a shaky breath and tried to calm herself.  She could feel the tears threatening to fall.  "And you should know that I didn't fall in love with you because you were suddenly a hero.  I saw who you would become, and who you really were inside.  When you went against the entire village to protect Toothless, I knew then that you would be someone I would follow gladly.  I think I started to fall for you that day, but of course I tried to deny it.  Then I thought I'd lost you and I- I knew I couldn't live without you.  I wish I make you understand how much I love you."  She broke down in tears and Hiccup quickly pulled her into his arms.  He rubbed her back gently and just let her cry for a minute.  When she was finally calm enough he pulled away from her and wiped the tears from her eyes.
    "Astrid Hofferson, what did I do to deserve you?" he said softly and rested a hand on her cheek.  She smiled a little but was quickly cut off by him kissing her.  She quickly kissed back but was disappointed when he ended it rather quickly.  That is until she heard what he said next.  "Marry me, please.  I need you."  She stared at him in shock before a smile broke out across her face as his words sunk in.
    "Yes," she said and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his neck.  "With all my heart, yes."

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