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Again I wrote this for Instagram so I think it will be way too short here, but I'm posting it anyway.

It had been about three months since Hiccup became chief and so far things were going smoothly. Well, most of the time. Some of the elders of the village weren't crazy about having a young chief.
Today was a particularly stressful day and Astrid could tell that Hiccup was going to explode any minute.
"What are you going to do about all these dragons!"
"When are you going to clear the ice?"
"My sheep are still missing!"
"QUIET!" Hiccup yelled. "I've heard everything you've said at least twice and believe me I'm working on it."
"I've been on this island longer than he's been alive," one of the older Vikings said to the man next to him.
"He's too young to run this village," the other man replied.
"My first priority is rebuilding and getting the ice cleared, but it's a long slow process and it can't happen overnight," Hiccup continued, pretending to not here what the two men had said. Astrid had heard too and was about ready to send them to Valhalla. Hiccup saw this and subtly gestured for her to stay where she was. "And maybe, if more of you would get up and actually help, this would go a lot faster." The two men looked up to see Hiccup looking directly at them. "And just to set the record straight, I never asked to be Chief. In case you forgot, my father died and I immediately became the leader of an entire village. Whether you like it or not, I am Chief. If you have a problem with that then feel free to get off this island, if you choose to stay, you abide by my rules. Do I make myself clear?" The men quickly nodded. "Good. Now then, it's getting late, we can continue in the morning." Everyone slowly left the Great Hall and before long only Hiccup and Astrid were left. She walked over him and hugged him tightly. He held her close and she could feel tears fall on her shoulder.
"Your father would be so proud of you, Hiccup," she said softly and pulled back to look at him. "I know I am." She wiped his tears away and kissed him gently.
"I miss him," he said softly.
"I know you do, and that's okay. You're so strong Hiccup. The strongest person I know. Tears don't make you weak," she said. They walked outside and to his hut. She was about to leave, when Hiccup grabbed her wrist.
"Stay, please," he said shakily. She smiled a little and nodded. They went upstairs and got ready to go to sleep. Astrid went in the bathroom to change, but when she came back, Hiccup was curled up in bed and shaking uncontrollably. She quickly crawled beside him and he immediately wrapped his arms around her. He held onto her so tightly she could barely breathe but she didn't care. Before long his grip on her loosened and his breathing steadied. She looked down and saw that he had fallen asleep. She shifted a little bit so her head rested against his chest. Her eyes slowly started to close and the last thing she heard before falling asleep herself, was the steady beating of his heart.

Sorry if there are any grammatical errors, I didn't check it because I always check my stories before they go up on Instagram. I'm really enjoying working on my new story, and I'm so excited for you guys to read it, but for now you'll have to wait.

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