Pumpkin Fluff

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SURPRISE!!!!!! Here's that fall one shot I told you about. Since I don't write spice I figured Pumpkin Fluff was a more appropriate title. Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans🍂 Now then, enjoy the story😊

(Modern au)

Astrid loved fall. Like seriously loved fall. Every inch of her apartment was covered in pumpkins, leaves, apples, and candles. However this year she couldn't wait for it to end. Why is that? Because when fall ended, she was getting married. The wedding was set for mid December and it couldn't come too soon for her. Of course there were still a lot of things to do beforehand, but each time she finished something on the list it brought her one step closer to marrying the love of her life.
"Definitely agree that the bridesmaids should be in blue. Oh I hope it snows, those pictures will be stunning!" Heather gushed. Having a best friend who was a professional wedding planner had major benefits. And discounts.
"I'm so glad we decided to go with the winter. Hayden originally wanted to get married in the fall because he knows how much I love it, but I wanted blue which does not fit for a fall wedding."
"I think you made the right choice, though red would have been pretty too."
"Hey, don't side with him!" Astrid exclaimed making Heather laugh.
"Oh you'd marry him no matter when the wedding was."
"You're not wrong," Astrid replied and stared at her ring. "I never thought I'd wish to see fall end but winter can come tomorrow and I'd be more than happy."
"Is that Astrid Hofferson I hear gushing like a girly girl?" Heather teased. Before Astrid could come up with a clever retort, her phone rang. "Ooh is that the fiancé?"
"None of your business, I gotta go. Thanks again for the help," Astrid said quickly as she grabbed her phone, keys, and bolted out the door. The minute she was far enough away she answered her phone.
"I was about to be very hurt," came a familiar teasing voice.
"Sorry, I was with Heather working on wedding stuff. Is everything okay?"
"Oh I was just wondering if I could interest you in dinner?" Hayden asked. "Oh and I may or may not be outside." She peaked out the hall window and sure enough there was Hayden parked out front looking up at her. Though she noticed he was holding something other than just his phone.
"Is that what I think it is?"
"You'll have to come find out." She hung up and ran out as fast as she could.
"Yes!" She exclaimed when she saw what he was holding. "If I didn't love you before you certainly would have won me over with that."
"Wow I didn't know you loved me almost as much as pumpkin spice coffee," Hayden said, pretending to be hurt.
"Well you did propose first so I guess I'll give you an extra point," she replied and took a sip of her coffee.
"I'm glad I asked when I did then," Hayden said seriously. "So, dinner?"
"Definitely! But let's get take out. I want to be nice and cozy, after all it is cozy season." Hayden stared at her for a minute, before he realized what was really going on.
"You want to watch Gilmore Girls don't you," Hayden said, completely deadpanned.
"Maaaayyyybe," Astrid replied with a smile. "It's the perfect time of year for it. Just a couple episodes?"
"I'll go get food and you go get blankets and Netflix," he gave in as he rolled his eyes, though he was still smiling.
"Yes! I love you so much," she squealed and kissed him. She practically ran to her car and had to remind herself multiple times not to speed. As much as she loved going out on dates, her favorite dates were spent curled up on the couch watching a movie or tv show and just being together. She couldn't wait for the day when they'd never have to leave. When it wouldn't be his house or her apartment, it'd be their home.
"Wow I'm getting sappy," she thought but the lovesick smile stayed on her face until she pulled up to Hayden's house. "Hey Toothless," she said when she walked inside and was met with an excited black German Shepard. "Hayden's on his way don't worry." Toothless ran off happily and started playing with his toy. Astrid sat down on the couch and he immediately jumped up beside her, resting his head in her lap. Sometimes they wondered if Toothless was really Hayden's dog because nine times out of ten he preferred Astrid.
After another ten minutes a car door could be heard outside.
"I think someone's home," Astrid said and put down her phone as Toothless leapt off the couch and bounded toward the door.
"Not helping!" Hayden called. Astrid laughed and peeked around the corner to see Toothless jumping up and licking Hayden's face.
"Wasn't trying to be," she replied with shrug.
"Alright, I know it doesn't go with your coffee but I also know you well enough to know you finished it before you got here," Hayden said as he put his keys and the to-go trays on the counter.
"So.... what is it?" She asked and jumped up on the counter.
"Seriously Hayden," she complained and rolled her eyes. But much to her annoyance, he wasn't budging. "Fine. Uh pasta?"
"Not even close."
"I give up, just tell me so I can eat!"
"See for yourself," he laughed and handed one of the containers to her.
"Sushi! Yes! Definitely doesn't go with coffee but it sounds amazing," she said excitedly, jumping off the counter and running back to her spot on the couch under her blanket.
"Oh yeah sure don't wait for me," Hayden teased. She moved over so he has room beside her, but didn't acknowledge his comment.
"Two more months," she said after a few minutes of silence.
"Three days, fourteen hours, and seventeen minutes," Hayden replied. Astrid looked at him with a look that said, 'you're crazy'. "So I've been keeping track. You have too."
"Not as close as that," she laughed. "Though I probably would have if I'd thought about it." In that moment everything was perfect. Well except for one thing. The fact that their wedding was still two months, three days, fourteen hours, and seventeen minutes away. But that time would fly and soon they would be celebrating their first Christmas together as husband and wife.

Pure fluff I know but I think we could all use some this year. Plus it is cheesy Christmas movie season so it fits for that too. I've so missed posting frequently but my brain has been struggling to find motivation to do much of anything other than watch Arrow and the Mandalorian😂 I'm gonna say this again just so you don't panic, but I am not losing interest in httyd! My writing ideas may be at a rocky patch but my love of the franchise is still strong. Anyway, I'm almost done with my semester so hopefully I will find more time to write and come up with ideas soon. As always I have several stories in progress but who knows when I'll actually finish them. Hi, I'm a perfectionist and that makes writing interesting😄 I hope you all have a great day, and Happy Thanksgiving🦃🍁

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