Chapter |~11~|

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I grab his hand and we walk to the room. I put the towels in the hamper. I leave my clothes in the bag. I grab the keys and put them on my dresser. I take off my shoes. I put my phone on my dresser as well. I lock the door and turn to look at Daniel starring at me. I shut of my light and put the Lower light on. I walk towards him. He grabs my waist.

⚠️ Smut warning ⚠️
He grabs my legs and connects our lips. He turns us around so I'm laying on my back as he's on top. He grinds his self against me and I let out a soft moan. He moves his lips from my jawline to my neck. He finds my sweet spot and I moan. He tugs on my shirt and I lift up my arms as he takes it off. "Your very beautiful" he says. He takes off his shirt. He tugs on my bathing suit top. "May I" He says. "You may" I say to him. He unties it and it falls off. "God" He says kissing me again. He pulls off my bathing suit bottoms and pulls off his own.

He leans down and grabs out a silver package. "Ready" he says. I look at him. "I'm ready" I say to him.  (Play 'wicked game' Chris isaak) he lines him self up with my entrance and thrusts. I let out a moan. "I'm Not hurting you am I" He says. "No. If feels good" I say smiling at him. He connects our lips again and continues to thrust. He grips my Waist tightly. He kisses my neck definitely leaving a mark. "Faster" I whisper to him. He picks up pace and goes faster and harder. "Oh god.. Daniel I'm close" I say to him. "Yeah me to" he whispers. He starts to slow down. I take a deep breathe.

End of smut

I roll to the side and cover myself up with my blanket. Daniel takes off the condom and covers himself up with the blanket as well. He grabs me by the waist. I shut off the light. "See you in the morning Danny" I say turning and giving him a kiss on the lips. "Good night princess" he whisper in my ear. I close my eyes and fall into a peaceful slumber.

The next morning
I wake up to my alarm ringing. I move out of under the blanket.  I walk to my dresser and pull out red laces underwear. I grab my matching red laced  bra. I put on my cheer uniform tang top crop top thing and I slip on my skirt. I put on my white converse. Not to mention my cheer skirt has like a built in shorts thingy. I grab my curling iron and curl my hair. I put on some nude eyeshadow and eyeliner, mascara. I put on some red lip gloss. I grab my gym back and put my black leggings and my pink crop top tang top. I grab my black sweater as well. I put it all in the gym bag and close it up. I grab my back pack and make sure I have everything there. I close it and grab my house key and put it in the front pocket. I open up my front drawer and grab my cigarettes and lighter and throw it in the back pocket.

"Daniel...Daniel wake up" I say to him. He opens his eyes and looks at me. "I'm awake" he says smiling. "Cheer practice today" he says looking at me. "Cheer tryouts. I'm coaching them and deciding who joins today. Practice begins next week" I say to him. "Nice" He grabs his underwear and slips it on. He puts on his clothes. "I'm gonna change into something fresh. I'll come back when I'm done" he says giving me a kiss on the lips and walking out. I grab my phone and check it. Five missed calls. One form each of the  guys. I walk towards my closet and grab my pom poms. I put them in my bag and close it. I grab my gym bag and back pack and walk out of my room towards the living room. I walk back and grab my keys. I shut my door.

I walk to the kitchen grab a water bottle. I put ice in it and fill it with water. I shut off the water. Daniel comes walking in. "Ready" he says. "Yes sir" I say smiling at him. I grab my bags and my water bottle. I grab my house key out of my back pack and my car keys.  I Lock the house up and make my way to the car. I unlock it. I start the car and put down the stack. I put the bags in the back. Daniel gets in and we pull out the parking lot making our way to school. I pull In. I grab my glasses and put them on. I put up the stack.  "Last night was amazing by the way" I say to him. "You were amazing" he says to me. "You did it all. Not me" I say letting out a giggle. He smiles at me.

I grab my bags from the back and my water bottle. I take a deep breathe. I walk out of the car and all faces turn towards me and Daniel. I smirk to myself. I lock the car and walk towards my locker with Daniels hands wrapped around my waist. I see the guys right by my locker. "If it isn't Miss cheer captain" I hear Dutch day. I push jimmy out my way softly. I type in my code. I put my bags in side. I take off my sun glasses and put them in my locker  and close it. I turn and look at the four boys In front of me.

Hope you like it. Sorry for the smut and if it wasn't good. I was nervous on writing that. But I was figuring if there is a chapter with smut in it I'm gonna do this '|~~|' And if it's just a chapter with nothing but smut then '||' or a regular chapter '~#~'. Hope you like this though.  And season three of cobra kai came out!

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