Chapter ~25~

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We get in the car and I start it. "Hey wait!" I hear someone yell. I look up the stairs to see Daniel. "Do you have room for one more" He says. I smile at him. "Hop in the back" I say. He hops in and we make our way to the little bar thingy. We pull into the parking lot. I put up the stack and hop out with the rest of them. I lock the car and make my way to the front. "Excuse me I'm here to see my cousin" I say to the guy. He looks at me. "Name" he says "Lydia I'm here to see Marcus" I say to him. "Go inside" he says. I walk In With the guys. I see my cousin and walk up to him. "I'm sorry you don't happen to know a Marcus do you" I say as he looks up and smiles. He grabs me by the waist and swings me. "Lydia! I missed you" he says kissing my cheek. "Me to" I say to him.

He looks over to the guys and I follow his eyes. "Who's this" he says looking back at me. "Marcus this is Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, jimmy, tommy, Bobby and Dutch" I say pointing to each one. "No yeah I know who Johnny and them are but I didn't know Daniel" he says shaking Daniels hand. I smile at him. "Well now you know" I say. He takes my hands and brings us up to his private room. "Here you guys go I'll be back with drinks" he says. "Thanks Marcus" I say smiling. I got sit down on the bed couch thing. "That's your cousin" Daniel says. I turn and look at him as tommy comes sits next to me. "Yeah" I say. "That's why I get in for free without paying" I say to him. "That's crazy" he says.

I turn and look at tommy and smile. The door opens and Marcus walks in. "I heard about your mom..I'm sorry" he says. "It's all good" I say to him. He hands me a coke. "Hah thanks" I say smiling. "You know I'll move in with you so your not lonely" he says. "I'll think about it" I say smiling. I hear someone call his name from downstairs. "Well Duty calls" he says waving and leaving. I take a drink as Dutch comes and grabs it. I let out a giggle. "You look nice" daniel says. "Thank you" I say smiling as I grab my coke from Dutch. "Lay down" tommy says. I look at him and do as he says. He turns my neck. He throws a little salt on it and takes his shot. I feel his hot breath near my neck as he slides his hand up my dress just a little. As I let out a shaky breath He licks it off and I kiss his lips.

I look at him. I softly smile. I'm not sure if I like tommy or if it's just what he does that gives me butterflies. He smiles at me. I go to sit up. I take a couple more sips of my coke and hand it to Dutch. "Finish it" I say to him. I grab the bottle of whatever type of alcohol and a shot glass. I fill it and take it. I pull down my dress it slides up at times. "Okay Okay" I say to the guys. They look at me. "Someone get up here and take a shot with me" I say. Johnny,jimmy and Bobby stand up and come towards me. Each of them taking a shot one at a time. "Feel good" I say winking at them. Johnny grabs my waist and connects our lips. "Definitely" He says breaking the kiss. I let out a giggle.

I walk towards Daniel. "Take a shot" I say to him. He looks at me. "I don't drink" he says. "Then what you come for" I say laughing. "Please" I say to him. He smiles at me and take the shot glass and pour the alcohol and takes it. "That's what I'm talking about" I say laughing. He grabs my waist and connects our lips. "Well looks like Daniels getting some" jimmy says. I let out a giggle. I look down at Daniel. As he swiftly stands up and pins me to the wall. He kisses my lips and goes to sit back down.

A good couple hours pass and I start to feel myself getting tired. "Ready to go home" tommy whispers in my ear. I look at him. "Yeah" I say back. "Cmon guys" tommy says. We all stand up and walk out. I check my purse to see If i have my phone but I don't. "You guys go to the car I'll meet you there" I say to them. I walk back up to the room and grab my phone sitting on the couch. I grab it and walk back out.  "Hey Marcus! I'm heading home now" I say to my cousin. He smiles at me and gives me a hug. "Alright let me know when you get home" he says. "I will bye" I say going to walk out but he stops me. "" he says handing me a bottle of what I can now see is vodka. "Haha thank you" I say giving him a hug and walking out.

I walk to my car to see the guys aren't there. I put the stuff in the seat and pull out my phone to call Johnny as I turn around and see Caleb and his friends. His friends arms around their necks. "Hey look what the cat dragged in" Caleb says walking near me. "Don't touch her man!" Tommy yells. "Why not" Caleb says walking behind me. He grips my waist as he moves my hair behind my neck. I take in a deep breath. A tear slides down my face.

Agh! Stupid Caleb!! Has to ruin everything! Anyway hope you like it!

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