Chapter |~23~|

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⚠️smut warning⚠️

I turn and look at tommy as he grabs my waist and connects our lips. I feel my back come in contact with the bed. I feel his hand slide up my blouse gently gripping my boob but cold to the touch. I let out a moan to how cold it is. He moves his lips to my neck. I let out  a moan as I feel himself grind against me. "Tommy" I whisper. "Shhh" he says. I tug on his shirt. Next thing I know our clothes are off and laying on the floor. "I don't have a condom" he says. I look up at him. "It's okay to go raw..just pull out on time" I say to him. "Are you sure your okay with this" he says. "I'm positive" I whisper to him. He smiles. He lines himself up with my entrance. He connects our lips as he thrust inside. I let out a moan.

"Oh god feels good" I say as I whimper. He grips my waist tightly and bites down on the skin as he thrusts harder and faster. I let out multiple moans. He kisses my neck, down to my breasts, down to my stomach, to my mid thigh. He looks up at me as I look up at him. I give him the okay. I feel his tounge  flick as I arch my back in pleasure and grip the bed sheets. "F-fuck tommy" I say. He comes back up and connects our lips.  I feel him slide one finger in and pump as I moan against his mouth. He slides another as I bite down on his lip. He lets out a moan himself.

I turn us around so I'm on top of him and I gently start to ride him as he grips my thighs and connects our lips. Our moans mixing together. He flips us over as he thrusts harder. "God" I whisper to him. "You feel so fucking good" he says back. He pulls out and turns me on my stomach. I feel him slamb into me as I let out a moan. "Oh fuck tommy" I say. He wraps his hand around my neck lifting me up as he continues to thrust. He lets out a moan which makes me moan. He pulls out and lays on his back. "My turn" I whisper  to him.

I rub my hand up and down his penis. He moans. I flick my tongue around and start bobbing. He grips my hair holding my head. Minutes later I feel him release in my mouth and I swallow. I go to lay down next to him as we try to catch our breath. I grab the blanket and put it over us.

the end of smutt

I set my alarm for 4:00. "Let's go to sleep for a couple hours" I say kissing his neck. He hums in response. I suck on his neck giving him a hickey. "Now we are even" I say letting out a giggle. I close my eyes and fall into a peaceful slumber.

Couple hours later

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I look over to see tommy laying next to me. I smile to my self. I stand up and walk to my dresser. I pull out pink laced underwear and a bra. I grab my pink dress out of my bag as I walk to my closet to pick out another choice. Either the gray or pink one.

If your wondering what it looks looks like this)

it looks like this)

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I pick up my leggings and grab them and slip them on

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I pick up my leggings and grab them and slip them on. I got to wake up tommy. "PSsst..tommy" I say. He slowly opens his eyes. "Its almost time" I whisper to him. "He grabs me by my waist and I give him a peck on the lips. He throws on his underwear and walk to the bathroom with his bag. I hear a knock  at the door and go to open it. I see all the guys nicely dressed. I smile at them as they look at me. "What" I say to them.

⚠️✨slightly smut warning ✨⚠️

Johnny grabs me by my waist,walks me to the couch and pins me by my arms. I look at his thirsty eyes. He kisses my neck down to my Brest.

The guys watching. They go sit on the opposite side of the couch. He removes my strap and starts to suck on my breast  as I let out a whimper. I title my head back. "Her moans are music to my ears" I hear Bobby say. He continues to suck as I let out another moan. "Johnny" I chock out. "J-Johnny" I say again. He connects his lips with mine, grabbing me by the throat to deepen the kiss.  I move my face out of the way to catch some air as he continues kissing me. I feel his hand slide down my leg but I stop before it gets close.
I turn to look at him. He looks towards the guys and nods his head at jimmy. I sit up as he moves off of me and jimmy comes my way.

He smirks at me as I stand up and he sits down. I climb onto his lap. He grabs my waist tightly  definitely leavening a mark. He kisses my jawline to my neck. I moan in pleasure as I feel him grind himself against me. I feel him bite down on my skin as I let out a soft moan. "This shit making me hard" I hear Bobby,Dutch, and Johnny say at the same time.

I hear the door open as I turn  to the door and see tommy walk out. "Hold her arms tommy" jimmy says to him. Tommy with a smirk on his face comes and hold my arms. I let out a moan as I feel his fingers gently massage me. "We should be getting ready" I say trying to catch a breath.

Wow! So we all know what gonna happen! I'm sorry for this 😂 help me pick a dress please

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