Chapter ~38~

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"Lydia wake up Cmon" I hear the sound of Bobby's voice say. I slowly lift up my head and look at him with sleepy eyes. I grab my stuff and stand up. "Lydia can I talk to you for a minute"the teacher says. The boys walk out as I look at he teacher. "Why'd you fall asleep in the middle of class" he asks. "Honestly I didn't get to much sleep last night" I say. "Why's that" he says. "Bad dreams" I say to him. He comes to get  close to me but I walk off and exit his classroom.

I walk to the guys with a blank expression. "How are you?" I hear Johnny say. I turn and look at him with no emotion. "I wasn't done talking to you" I hear the teacher say behind me. I turn around. "I know..but I was done talking to you" I say walking away.  "How do you feel?" I hear jimmy say. I stop walking and turn to look at him still with no emotion. "If your male teacher/ principle made a move on you in would you feel?" I say to him as he looks at me with sad eyes. "I don't wanna hear any mention of how I'm doing/ feeling for the rest of the day" I say with a sad tone. I walk towards music class followed by Johnny and jimmy.

As I enter the teacher calls my name. Another male. I walk up to him feeling uneasy. "Yeah" I say I'm a questioning tone. "After class your gonna have to stay and help the guys rehears a couple songs for the dance this week" he says. "I don't think I can stay after school" I say to him. He looks at me and walks closer. "And whys that" he says. "Karate practice today sir" I respond holding a breath. "It's okay to be late" he says. I take my seat not saying another word. Jimmy and Johnny talking to a couple guys, I'm the only girl here. Eh it won't be that bad...right.

I was wrong minutes later this guy kept staring at me. As I hear the bell ring signaling class is over. I grab my stuff. "I'll be back just let me grab my backpack" I say to the teacher and walk out. I ignore Johnny and jimmy. I near my locker as I see the guys, Ali, Susan, and Barbra. I smile as tommy sees me. I type in my code put everything in it and shut it. I take off Tommy's jacket and go to hand it to him but I instantly regret it as I hear a whistle coming to the other side of the hallway. I turn around to see that guy from class. I turn back around as the guys look at me confused.

"So are you coming with us to karate practice?" Dutch ask's. "I can't I have to stay to help the guys rehears some songs that they are doing for the dance this week" I say annoyed. "Put my jacket back on lydia" tommy says. I slip it back on instantly feeling warm again. "I'll meet you guys after though" I say back to dutch. I hand them my backpack and the keys but I take my phone, my cigarettes and lighter. "Take the car. I'll walk" I say to them. "Lydia we have to go now!" I hear the guy yell. "I love you guys got to go" I say turning and walking away to the guy.

"I'm chase" he says holding out his hand. I hold out my hand "I'm lydia" I say as we shake hands. He smiles at me. He's pretty cute and as tall as the others. We walk to music class as I look back at the guys with a blank expression. As I turn the corner and near the room. We walk in as the teacher looks at me. "Thought you left" he says. I look at him. "Well I didn't" I say annoyed. "Practice rooms over there or you can go outside to the field" he says. "Field" I say to them as I walk out. I see the guys standing around Johnny and his mortal cycle. I turn my head before they look at me. I see chase and the guys behind me as I stop and wait for them.

"Cmon" chase says grabbing my hand. We stop at a grassy area. They set up there equipment. As I stare at the sky. I feel eyes on me knowing the guys are watching. I stand up and take off my heals. I adjust my shorts and my top as chase grabs me and connects our lips. "Hey- Wait- Get off of me" I say as I try to shove him. As I go to step back I slip on my heals halfway. I kick up my leg. I run towards the guys as they look at me. I fix my shoes. "Hey hey you okay!" Jimmy says grabbing my shoulders and making me face him. So many thoughts running through my mind. I look at him. "Just get me out of here" I say out of breath. I hop on the end of Johnny's motorcycle . "Just go and don't ask questions" I say on the verge of tears. He starts the motorcycle as the guys start the car. We pull out as I hear chase yell my name. Johnny stops as so do the guys. They look back at me as I hop off his motorcycle and make my way to chase.

"You'll get in trouble" he says. "That's fine" I say slapping him across the face and walking away. I hop back on the motorcycle. "Go" I say smirking at the guys as we start to drive to the cobra kai karate dojo. If feel my head hurting just a little as I rest my chin on Johnny's shoulder enjoying the entire ride there. After about 20 minutes we pull in. I hop off of his motorcycle as he grabs my waist and pulls me close to him. I look at him as he pecks my lips and pulls away smirking.

Hope you like it! I've Ben. Super busy that I haven't been able to update but I will tomorrow!!

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