Chapter ~13~

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I make my way to the others well they were watching the fight happening. "I have to go print out the list of those who Made it. If I miss anything in any classes please let me know and also yeah im done talking" I say letting out a giggle and walking away.

Daniel comes walking towards me. "Me and ali are going on a date tomorrow" he whisper to me. I turn and look at him with a smile on my face. "No way that's great!" I say giving him a hug. "Good job lover boy" I say softly punching him in the arm. "Thank you captain" he says smiling at me. I finally realize I don't have the clip board with me. "I forgot the clip board" I say to him. "I'll see You later" I say to Daniel and run back to the table.

"What happened now" I hear Bobby say. I look at him. "I forgot the clip board" I say grabbing  both boards off the table. "Cmon. Your coming with me" I say grabbing Tommy's hand. He looks at me. "Cmon I don't bite" I say smiling. We start walking away to the teachers lounge. "What are we doing" tommy says. I look at him. "I figured you need a break from everyone and king karate" I say letting out a giggle. I open the door and walk inside.

I start the printer. I pull out 2 pieces of paper. And write the names and number of each girl I picked out that will do good. I put them in there and they start printing. I turn around and feel Tommy's lips against mine. He picks me up and sets me on the counter. I have butterflies in my stomach.. its what happens when someone kisses you..right?. He trails his lips from my jawline and to my neck. I let out a quiet moan . "Ahhh tommy" I whisper.

"Shh baby i know but be quiet" he says. I feel his hand go up my blouse. Cold to the touch. I let out a soft moan. He connects our lips again and this time I kiss down his jawline to his neck as he lets out a moan which makes me moan myself. I give him a peck and face him. His hand still up my blouse.

I look at him. He smiles at me. I smile back and give him another peck. "The papers are done" he says. I turn and look. "Help me" I say winking at him. I jump down from the counter as he softly pushes me up against the wall and connects our lips again. I feel his hand slide up my skirt to my mid thigh but I stop before it goes any further.

I give him one more peck. I walk to the printer grab the papers and the tape. I walk out with tommy behind me. I walk to the main hallway. I tape the papers to the wall. I walk to each class asking for the girls and their sizes. The bell rings. "Schools officially over and I have to get these sizes and order the uniforms" I say to tommy. We walk back to the teachers lounge I put away the tape.

He grabs my hand and we walk back towards the guys. I see ali and Daniel. I walk up to Ali and grab her hand. "Cmon we gottabgo" I say to her. We run to the main hallway. The girls checking to see if their names are on the list. "So whoever on there made it! If you are not! You will be but just practice more! On Saturday you will meet me in the parking lot to pick up uniforms and Pom poms! See you guys next Saturday! Next week we begin practice!" I say to them.

I walk away back to the guys only to be tackled to the ground. I let out a yell. I see blood on my hand and I know for sure I cut it. I turn around to lisa on me. She try's to swing but I block it. I Throw her off of me. "The hells wrong with you! are you crazy!" I yell at her. I see her with..a knife?. My eyes go wide and I start to run. "Get back here bitch!" She yells. I stop in my tracks and turn around. I walk to my locker and grab my water bottle. I slamb it. I turn and walk towards her. "Lydia no" Johnny says. "Stay out of it!" I yell at him. I hand it to Ali.

"You wanna fight...lets fight!" I say to her. She swings at me and misses I kick her and hit her. She falls to the floor. I feel the knife cut my thigh. I whimper. "You bitch!" I yell at her. I punch her and kick her. She stands up and runs towards me. I grab my water bottle and swing and it hits her right in the face. I whimper form my leg. I let out a shaky breathe. I walk towards her.

I grab the knife. I grab her by her hair. I punch her in the face again as I hear a crunch I know I broke her nose. I let out a shaky breath. As my eyes start to water. "I'm sorry" I whisper before walking away. I let a tear slide down my face. I let out whimper and look down at my leg. I pick up my water bottle up and take the knife with me. My heart starts to beat faster. My hands go sweaty. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump. "Shh it's just me" I hear Johnny say. I turn and fall into his arms crying.

Hope you like it!!

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