Chapter ~22~

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"Look I'm sorry" I say to them. "You didn't do anything lydia..shit happens" Bobby says grabbing my hand. I smile at him. "I don't understand" Daniel says. I turn to look at him. "long story short..we take turns with her" Dutch says. Daniel looks at me. "So it is true" he says. I look at him confused. "Is what true?" I say to him. "You fuck all of them" he says. "I can't help the shit that happens okay Daniel!" I say walking away past Johnny. "Lydia" Johnny yells following me. I turn a corner. I turn and look at him.

"What did he say" Johnny ask's me. "About the whole me, you, jimmy,Dutch, Bobby, and tommy" I say annoyed. "I can't help what goes on with this whole group" I say letting out a little giggle. "Your attractive that's all" Johnny says. I smile at him as I see Daniel come around the corner. "Look lydia I mean everyone was right" he says. "Well it's not their life is it? no. It's mine. I get to decide who I want to fuck and who I don't want to" I say to him. "Not that it doesn't mean anything cause it means everything but cmon Daniel you should know" I say to him.

"Yeah I do" he says. "And what's that" I say to him crossing my arms. "That I have ali and you have theses guys. Enjoy your ride home after school I'm not going with you" he says grabbing Ali's hand. "Fine by me. For all I care" I say to him. I walk past him with the guys behind me. "Wow so now I don't have to act like I like Daniel" Johnny says. "Nope" I say them. I walk to my locker and grab out another cigarette. I light it and take a puff. I let a tear slide down my face but I wipe it and blink before the guys notice. I turn back around. I go sit on the table next to Johnny with the others. I take a puff and blow. "You have to stop smoking" he says. I turn and look at him.

"I know" I say to him. I take a couple more puffs then hand it to Bobby. He looks at me and takes it with a smile on my face. "Okay I got a question" Bobby says taking a puff and blows it in my face. I take the cigarette and take puff. "Ask away" I say blowing it into the air. "Join cobra kai" he says. I look at everyone. "I don't know" I say. "I do" I hear a voice say behind me. The guys have smirks on their faces and I turn around. "Your a good fighter. And I would be happy to having you join my dojo" the guy says. "What's your name" I ask him. He looks at me. "John Kreese" he says. I take a puff of my cigarette and hand it back to Bobby. I blow it in the air.

"Get back to me tomorrow" I say to him. He smiles at me. "No practice today" he says and walks away. I turn back around to the guys and let out a giggle. I lay my head on Johnny's lap. I look up into Johnny's blue eyes and smile. "Did I tell you your pretty today" Johnny says to me. "No Dutch did" I say letting out another giggle. As Dutch joins me. "Oh no wait. He called me hot I think" I say laughing. Johnny lays his hand on my stomach. I look up at the sky and see one of the teachers walk out. "Oh shit" I whisper. "Cmon" I say jumping off the tables. The guys follow behind.

I open up the door to the janitors closet. We all jump inside as I shut it carefully. I feel someone breath against my neck. I turn around to see Tommy's dark brown eyes. I feel his hand on my waist and he gently pushed me up against the wall. My breathing quickens. The same with him as he pecks my lips. He moves his lips and starts to suck on the opposite side of my neck. I hold in a moan. His grip tightens. I take a deep breath. "Lydia you good" I hear someone say. "I don't know who said that it's to dark but yeah I'm good" I whisper to them trying so hard not to moan. I feel someone jiggle the handle.

"Let me check the door" I choke out. I hear tommy chuckle. I walk to the door and slowly open it. I don't see the teacher. "We are good" I say and walk out. I feel someone grab my waist and realize it's Johnny. "Oh look you got another one" he says rubbing his fingers over Tommy's hickey he gave me. "I- Yeah tommy did it" I say to him. "I should give you one later then" he says giving me a peck on the cheek. I let out a giggle. The bell rings. "Why don't we just skip" I say to them. They all look at me. "I'm down" Dutch says grabbing my waist. "Yeah we all are" Johnny says. I smile at them. "I'll go with Lydia and you guys take time to yourself and get ready" tommy says. "Sounds like a plan" Bobby  says. I grab Tommy's hand and we walk to my locker.

I grab my stuff out as he grabs his out of his locker and we throw it in the back of the car. "I'll see you guys at 5" I say to them. "Sounds good" Johnny says back. I start the car and we make our way to my apartment. I grab my stuff, lock the car and walk out with tommy hot on my heals. I open up the house door and we walk in. I lock the front door and we walk to my room. I put my stuff on the floor. I shut my door and lock it.

Hope you like it!! Smut in the next chapter!!

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