Chapter ~68~

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I look at Johnny and tommy standing there. "What?" I say. "Uhm I wanted to apologize" tommy says. I go to walk out but he grabs me as johnny shuts the door. "Get off of me tommy" is say. He Kisses my lips as I can smell the strong alcohol. He's drunk. "Cmon tommy your drunk" I say annoyed trying to get him off of me. He drags me down as he gets on top pinning my arms to the side. "Tommy Get off!" I yell. "Go Johnny. Get out of Here. Stand outside the door and make sure no one comes in" he says struggling to stop me from moving. He pulls up my skirt and I feel On hand. Slide under as my eyes start to water. The door opens and closes. I let out a sob as he moves my underwear and slides his pants Down. "Stop it tommy please" I say crying. I feel him slamb into me as I let out a painful yell. "Ow" I say sobbing trying to catch my breath. "Stop it!" He says. He thrust hard and faster. As I whimper. "I told you! you'll get it Later did I not?!" He yells in my face. I let out a sob. As I grip the rug on the floor and shut my eyes tightly. "Tommy Stop!" I yell. He covers my mouth and thrust. I sob and sob as he stops stands up and fixes himself. I fix my skirt and sit up against the wall. I hug my knees and cry.

⚠️the end⚠️

I hear the door open and close. Signaling that he's walked out. I let out a scream and punch the wall as my knuckles start to bleed. I stand up fixing myself and wiping my knuckles and rinsing them off with water. I stop myself from crying. I fix my makeup. I take a deep breath and walk out. I walk to the kitchen. I take a drink after a drink after a drink letting it burn my throat. It doesn't affect me much. I pull out a cigarette and light it. I take a puff. Bobby walks In. "Hey how are you?" He says. "I'm good" I say back. "You sure. Your hands bleeding" he says. "Eh just a scratch" I say. Tommy walks in and my body tenses. Bobby seems to notice. "Hi lydia" he says smirking. "Tommy" I say back. Bobby give me a weird look but I shrug it off. "I'm going home" I say to him.

"See you tomorrow?" He says. "Why? What's tomorrow?" I ask him. "Karate practice" he says. "Right" I say. "Maybe, maybe not" I say back. I hand him my cigarette. I see the boys with Johnny. He looks at me. I walk up to them. "I'm going home" I say to them. I pull out my keys. "You've been drinking. I should drive you" Johnny says. "No no I'm good. I don't wanna be around any of you tonight. So just leave me alone. I'm going home" I say walking out and into my car as I scream and let out a sob. I pull out and make my way home. I open the door. I scream as I slide down the door hugging my knees.

"Why did he have to do it!" I yell. I hear my dad come running down stairs. "Hey hey what's wrong" he says.  I hold my hand for him to just stay away. "I'm not gonna hurt You. lydia tell me what happened" he says. He walks closer to me as he pulls me into his side. "Tommy. dad He raped me in the bathroom well Johnny stood outside blocking the door so no one comes in" I say sobbing. "Dad! I want it to end! I want the pain to be gone. I want mom back" I say crying in his chest. "Baby I'd do anything to take the pain away and for mom to come back" he says. I hug him. "Go change and come lay on the couch. I'll stay home tonight" he says. I walk into my room and take off my clothes and shoes as I look at the handprints on my arms and my wrist. I put on shorts and t shirt.

I wash off my makeup and throw my hair in a bun. I take a deep breath shutting off my light and walking downstairs to the living room. I go sit on the couch. "Here sweet heart" my father says handing me a blanket, a coke and some popcorn. I set everything on the couch as The door bell rings "I got it" I say standing up and opening the door. I open it. "Oh hey Kreese" I say smiling. I open up the door wider for him to come in. He gives me a hug. I love this side of him but he can be a real jerk at times. "How are you today?" He says. I look at him as he notices the bruise on my wrists and my arms and my cut up knuckles. "Who did this?!" He says raising his voice just a little.

"I- it was no one" I say walking and sitting on the couch. "Kreese" I hear my dad say. He comes sits down next to me. "Lydia what happen to your Arms?" Kreese ask's again. I look at him and start crying. "What? What do you mean 'what happened to your arms'?" My dad asks. I hold out my arms to him. "Lydia" He says. "I don't want to talk about it" I say sobbing into my dads chest. "Who did it?" He asks. "At first it was a kid from school. Then it just so happened to be tommy" I say crying. "Tommy did those bruises?!" Kreese yells. "Just the ones on my wrist" I say to him.

"I'm gonna knock some sense in that kid!" He yells "no! No! Please don't! Just leave him alone! please! just don't do anything!" I say begging him. "Fine. Only for you" he says kissing my head and sitting down on the other couch. My dad plays 'Star Wars: the empire strikes back'. I lay my head on his chest and somehow I fall asleep.

I didn't know that was going to happen to her! Tommy did it? Tommy? What? Out of everyone! Tommy!

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