Chapter ~75~

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"What do you mean?" Dutch ask's. I turn my attention towards him. Tommy grabs my hands and helps me up. "It's doesn't matter" I say to him. "You can't say something like that's and think you can get away with it you know" I hear a voice say. I turn around as so do the guys. "Just leave me alone. You got what you wanted" I say on the verge of tears. "And I want it again" he says. "That's to bad" I say. "What do you want from me chase" I say as a tear slips. "You got what you wanted" I say to him. "Jut leave me alone" I say. He walks away.

I take a deep breath. I Let a tear slide down my face. I turn and grab the person next to me as I cry again. I eventually feel them wraps their arms around me holding me close. I pull away and see that it's the one and only Johnny Lawrence
"Who wants to Ditch and go to the beach?" I say to them. They smile at me. I pick up my stuff and walk to my locker. I grab my backpack and shut it. "Hey" I hear a voice say. I turn and it's Daniel. "Hey Danny" I say smiling. "Where you going" He ask's. "The beach, wanna go" I say back.

He smiles at me and runs to his locker. I walk to my car as I realize I parked near the boys. I open it and get in and wait for Daniel. I put down the stack. "I'll meet you guys there" I say to the guys as they start their bikes and drive off. Daniels gets in. "Let's go pick up bathing suits" I say to him. We drive to the house. I pull in run inside and grab my bathing suit. I walk back out locking the door. I run back to the car as Daniel gets out and gets his. He comes back just 10 minutes later. His red swim trunks. And mine a simple black one.

We start driving to the beach

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We start driving to the beach. A couple minutes we pull into the parking lot. I put up the stack as Daniels steps out with two towels and his bathing suit. I grab my back pack and put my bathing suit inside. I shut my car, get out and lock it. I take a deep breath. I walk down to the sand to see all the guys waiting. Maybe this was a bad idea. I don't want anyone to see my big bruise on my side. I was snapped out of my thoughts with my name being called.

"Cmon Princess!" Johnny yells. I look up at him and start walking towards him. I put my stuff down as I grab my bathing suit out of my backpack and walk to the nearest bathroom. I walk in as I take off my clothes and slip on my bathing suit. There is a knock. I slowly open the door. "Your acting a bit weird what's wrong" Johnny ask's. I point to my side and my arms. "I don't wanna be seen like this Johnny" I whisper as I look in the mirror. He walks in shutting the door behind him coming behind me. "I'll give you my white long sleeve shirt if you want" he says. I make eye contact with him. "Yeah that would be nice but I'm so scared" I whisper back. He wraps his arms around me as he gently kisses my neck.
I feel electricity run through my veins.

Wait..I don't like him, right? It's tommy I like? Maybe even jimmy?

It's Johnny you like sweetheart, and possibly jimmy to

I take a deep breath and turn towards him. "So about that shirt" I say smirking.

Sorry this chapter is short but guys we have some good and not so good news😭 the not so good news is that we are coming to the end of the book...but the good news is THERES GOING TO BE A SEQUEL!!! Yay! I'm so excited!! I hope you are too! So the sequel is going back words! This book is around junior year! So we have sophomore year and freshman year! I hope you guys are as ready and excited as I am! I love you all so much! Please please take care and remember to drink water ☺️🖤


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