Chapter ~69~

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Terry's POV

"I'm gonna go put her down" I say to Kreese as I grab my daughter bridal style and carry her up to her room. I lay her on her bed and put the covers over her. I close the door and walk out taking a deep breath. I walk back downstairs. "So what are you here for?" I ask him. "Nothing just came to see what you were doing but it's clear" Kreese says. "I'm gonna beat that kids ass for touching her" Kreese says. "No John don't do that" I say. "I should get going" he says walking to the door and opening it. He turns back to me as I grab the handle. "Be carful with her. She really needs you. Tell her I'll see her at practice tomorrow" he says walking away and getting into his car as I shut the door. I shut off the tv, clean the trash and walk to my room laying on my bed and falling to sleep.

Lydia's POV

the next morning

I open up my eyes as I go to sit up but instantly feeling extreme pain down there. I shrug it off and stand up. I take off my clothes and throw on a cute little sunflower outfit.

I do my makeup and straighten out my hair

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I do my makeup and straighten out my hair. I grab my cobra kai jacket as I slip on some white strapped Sandals. I grab my cigarette, lighter, phone and keys and put them in my jacket. I grab my glasses. I walk out of my room shutting my door behind me. I walk downstairs to see my dad sitting at his desk in a room in the corner. "Hey dad I'm gonna go to practice now. I'll see you in a bit" I say to him. "See you sweetheart" he says smiling as I put on my glasses and walk out getting into my car and driving to our cobra kai dojo.

I pull in the parking lot taking in a deep breath. I walk out of my car locking it behind me. I walk in.  I see that it's empty. "Hey sweetheart I called off karate. I told your dad to remind you but then this morning I decided to call it off" he says. "Oh well I guess I'll be going then" I say about to turn back but he stops me. "How are you feeling this morning?" He ask's. I go to answer his question but the sound of the front door opening can be heard. He looks behind me as I turn around to see the guys standing there. "Sorry sensei, godfather, Kreese... I- uhh should be going" I say walking past the guys. I walk out and back to my car only to hear the guys calling me. I turn around. "Lydia I-" tommy says but I cut him off.

"Don't say anything. You know what you did was actually it's past wrong" I say to him. "Lydia please let me explain" he says. I look at him. "There is nothing to explain tommy. You did what you did and I can't forgive you for ruining the last part that I had left of me tommy" I say on the verge of tears again. Jimmy and bobby look at us confused. "I was drunk I didn't mean to" he says. I look at him as I get in my car. "Being drunk isn't a excuse Tommy. You should know better. And you to Johnny. You stood outside the door and let it happen. You. let. it. happen" I say crying. I put my keys in the ignition.

"I can't hangout with people who rape someone when they are drunk. Let alone those who let it happen" I say pulling out. Jimmy and Bobby now shocked and super pissed off. "I can't forgive you. ever" I say. I speed off. Making my way to the only place that helps me get my mind off of things. The beach. I pull in a couple minutes later. I shut off the car and walk out, locking it behind me. I reach the sand as I take off my Sandals and hold them by my finger tips as I walk to a quiet place on the sand. I listen to the waves as I hear a voice behind me. "Hey Danny" I say smiling. "What are you doing here by yourself?" He says. "Had to get away from the boys" I say to him. He comes sits down next to me. "What did they do now?" He asks.

"Tommy he uhm-He raped me last night at the party" I say in a whisper.  "I swear I will kill that guy" he says. "From now on you hangout with me, Freddie and his friends" he says. "Sounds good" I say to him. "Would you maybe wanna go to golf n stuff with me tonight at 6:00" he says. I look at him and smile. "I would love to go with you tonight" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. He hugs me as we just stay there like that for a couple hours. "Cmon let's go" he says. I stand up and get in my car as he throws his skate board in the back. I start the car and drive to his house. "Let me go change. Just hang here for a minute" he says. I smile at him.

10 minutes later he comes back out. "That was a long minute" I say giggling. He laughs. I pull out and make our way to golf n stuff. I pull into the parking lot. I notice the guys motorcycles are there. I walk out and lock it. I pay for the both of us. Pink on my wrist and orange for Daniel. "Oooo air hockey" Daniel says. "I bet I can beat you" i say smirking. "Oh your so on" he says back.

Hope you like it! What should happen to her and the cobras!? Let me know!

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