Chapter ~85~

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The screaming of everyone around me can be heard as the guys grabs my hand and we hide in the nearest class room or closet. I let our a quiet sob as Johnny wraps his arms around me. I pull out my phone. I call my dad.

"Hey sweetheart What is it?"
"Dad it's happening"
"Stay there ill call the cops"
"I love you dad"
"No no goodbyes Lydia. I won't let anything happen to you no good byes"

I let out a sob as I hear a gunshot.

"I love you"
"I love you to"

I hang up the phone and lay my head against Johnny as I silently cry. "She has to be here some where!" I hear none other then Caleb yell. I freeze. The door swings open. As we hide even more. "Found her" I hear a voice say. I am then being pulled up. "Don't touch her man" jimmy says. The guys Caleb, Jason, James, Noah, pull them up to. They force us outside. Caleb comes towards me. Moving hair from my face as I keep eye contact with him. "Don't cry it'll be okay" he says. I move my face out of the way as he forcefully grabs it to make me face him.

"Don't touch her!" Johnny yells but Jason hits him with the gun as I let out a sob. "What are you doing!?"I yell at Caleb as he looks at me. "I'm sorry. I wanted to talk but that's not gonna happen so I wanted you to see it for yourself" he says pointing his gun at his chin. I take a deep breath. "No don't do it" I yell. "Please" I say again crying. "Suicide isn't the answer Caleb don't do it" I say as he looks at me. He pulls me in and hugs me. I let out a sob. "I've should've done this a long time ago" he says crying. "Hands up!" Officers yell behind them.

I hug him tighter. "Don't do it" I whisper to him. I look at all the other guys as Jason points the gun at himself just like Caleb as the others do it to. "No cmon!" I yell. "I love you lydia you know that right?" He says. I look at him. "I said arms up!" A officer yells again. "Of course I know that" I whisper to him. He grabs me and hugs me again giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I love you" he says. He slowly backs away and points the gun at him. "Close your eyes" he says. I look at him and let out a sob. "Do it" he says. I take a deep breath. "The boys, you guys close your eyes to" he says. "1..2..3" he says.

Gun shot, after another, after another, after another. Not only did I feel blood splatter on me. I knew he was gone. I feel someone wrap their arms around me. I slowly open my eyes to see their bodies on the floor. I turn and close them as Jimmy's the one with arms wrapped around me. I let out a sob.  "Is any one hurt!?" The paramedics yell.  I turn and look back at the bodies in front of  me. Jimmy's arms still wrapped around me tightly. "Ma'am are you hurt?" The paramedic asks me. He lightly touches my arms as I turn and look at him blankly. He stares back. "Are you hurt?" He whispers to me. I shake my head and look back at the bodies. "She's in shock" the guy says. "So what do we do?" Jimmy says. I look around for my dad as I see him and run into his arms.

"I love you dad" I whisper to him. He holds me tightly. "I love you to babygirl" he says kissing my head. "Cmon let's take you home" he says. "I'll take my car just meet me at the house" I whisper to him as I walk away to my locker grabbing my stuff. I ignore the glances from everyone around me as then notice the blood on me. I walk back to my dad as we walk together separating  to get into our cars. I pull out and drive to the house. I reach the gate, type in the code and drive in as it closes. I pull into the drive way. I walk into the house and strip off my clothes walking into the shower.

I take an hour by myself as I walk out and dry my body off. I put on the clean ones and throw the bloody ones away. I walk to my room and lay down on my bed. I close my eyes falling into a dreamless sleep.


"We are gathered here today to bring peace to the silver family who has lost a son and a brother" the priest says. I stare at the casket in front of me that now has my brothers lifeless body in it. Tears streaming down my face. I cry silently. "As we now say our goodbyes. May he Rest In Peace. Amen" the guy says. My dad grabs my hand as he whisper in my ear. "It'll be alright"
I let out a sob. The casket going down. I grab and thing of dirt and sprinkle it. "I love you" I whisper. I walk away to the car and get inside. My dad and mom now coming our way. "None of his would've happened if we weren't spending to much time worrying about her!" My mother yells. I whimper. "It's not my fault he died  mama" I say to her. She slaps me across the face. "Joyce!" My dad yells.  We pull into our house. I notice my dad grabbing a bag. "Dad please don't go!" I yell. "Dad!" I say trying to grab his arms but it's to late he's already gone. "Dad!" I yell crying.

*end of flashback*

I jump up from my bed sobbing as my dad runs in followed by the guys. He grabs me  in a hug. As I silently cry into his chest.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I've been so caught up with school work but I hope you like it! 

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