Chapter ~88~

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Lydia's POV

I wake up the next morning. I stand up and open my blinds and make my bed. I walk out of my room downstairs. I grab a glass pour myself some orange juice and eat a banana. My dad walks in. "Lydia sweet heart your awake" my dad says. "Yeah I am" I say smiling. I see a female behind him and instantly know it's Cathy. "We have the country club tonight. I'm bringing Cathy Along" my dad says. "Alright" I say smiling. I stand up and throw my banana peel away. I drink the rest of my orange juice. "Imma get ready" I say "oh shit!" I yell when realization of my date with jimmy tonight hits. "What" my dad says. "I-I had a date  with jimmy tonight" I say. "He's gonna be there maybe he'll cancel" my dad says. I take a deep breath as my phone starts ringing.

"Hey jimmy"
"Hey Lydia. I hate to do this but-"
"But you have to cancel. Don't worry about it my dad said something about the country club so I have to go with him"
"Cool then so I'll  see you there with the rest of the guys"
"Maybe. See you"

I hang up the phone. "I'm gonna start getting ready" I say to my dad as I walk upstairs to my room. That means Johnny's gonna be there then. I look through my closet. Bingo.

I strip off all my close

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I strip off all my close. I take a deep breath. I put it on as I look at myself in the mirror. I take it off and walk in the shower. I do my hair, my body and I shave. I walk out dry and moisturize. I blow dry my hair. I curl it. I do my makeup. I paint my nails white. I put on my rings. I grab out a pair of heels.

 I sit on my bed for a couple hours untill my dad knocks

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I sit on my bed for a couple hours untill my dad knocks.

"I thought you'd be ready! Cmon" he says. I stand up and strip off my clean clothes. I fold them and set them on my bed. I put on my dress. And slip on my shoes. I grab  my purse I put my cigarettes and lighter and my phone inside. I grab my car keys.

I shut off my lights. I walk out of my bedroom and shut my door behind me as I walk out and downstairs. I reach the bottom. "Honey you look so beautiful" my dad says giving me a kiss on the cheek. "You know the deal when we get there" dad says. I smile at him. "Hi Cathy" I say to her. "Hey sweetheart how are you?" She says. "I'm good. How are you?" I ask her. "I'm great" she says. I smile at her. "I'll meet You guys there" I say smiling. I walk out and get into my car. I reach the place after 30 minutes. I park and as I realize I parked next to the guys. I take a deep breath and walk out. I lock my car.

"Oh hey Lydia" Johnny says. I ignore him. I see my dad pull up with Cathy. "Can we talk?" Johnny says. I look towards him. "Cause you didn't say enough over text right" I say annoyed. "Hey boys" my dad says. "We'll be inside" Cathy says. I smile at her. They walk inside. "You look nice" he says. "Omg if I talk to you the rest of the night would you stop with this bullshit" I say annoyed as I look at him. "Yes ma'am" he says. "Your so annoying" I say giving him a hug. "Cmon boys let's go" I say giggling as We walk in. "There you are I was begging to think you left" my dad says. "Oh I would've" I say smiling. I see ali and the girls looking at us. I turn to the guys as my dad and Cathy walk off. "Someone kiss me" I say to them in whisper. "What?" They say. "Someone fucking kiss me" I say giggling.

Dutch grabs my waist and smashes his lips against mine. I pull away giggling. "Mmm thank you" I say as I turn and smirk at ali.

1hour later

I pour a cup of punch. I finish it and throw it away. I turn around only for Ali to be behind me. "Oh hi" I say. "Cute dress I'd hate for it to get ruined" she says. "Mhm" I say annoyed. I go to walk past her until she calls my name. I turn around and she throws punch on me. My eyes water. "Don't cry it was ugly anyways" she says. I look at her. I do my tornado roundhouse kick as she knocks into the table with food and punch. Spills all over her. I walk away only for my name to be called by the guys and Daniel. Tears fall down my face. I turn back around. "Don't cry" they say. I look at them. "This was my mother's dress she wore after her wedding" I say to them.

"Just forget about it" I say unlocking my car. I get in and drive to the beach. Stripping off my clothes and swimming in my underclothes. I don't get my face wet though. I take a deep breath. "Hey I thought you might need this" I hear someone say. I turn around and it's jimmy holding a bag. I walk out. He holds out the towel. I slip off my clothes and put on clean ones. I dry my hair. I walk back to the beach holding Sandals as I wet my feet to get the sand off. I dry and slip one after another. "Thanks Jimmy" I say smiling.

I walk to the car and put my stuff inside. We get in and drive to my house. I pull in and get out. We walk upstairs to my room. I walk to the bathroom take a shower, wash my face, and put clean clothes back on.  I walk to my bed, cuddle with jimmy and fall into a peaceful sleep.

Hope you like it!!

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