Chapter ~83~

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I feel the soft hands place against my skin.
I take another deep breath. "Jimmy" I whisper softly. He turns me around connecting our lips. I feel my back come in contact with the bed. He grinds himself against me as I let out a moan. "Ahhh! Jimmy" I moan. "Johnny. Shes ready for you?" Jimmy says pulling away. "Cmon boys let them have their fun then our turns come" jimmy says. Johnny walks to me as they walk out and shut the door. Johnny removes his head band from his hair. "You remember this" he says smirking. I take a deep breath. "Yeah I remember" I whisper to him he Hoover's over me and connects our lips. I feel him get hard right away. "Johnny.."I moan out. He removes my shorts. He slides his down.

I can see his member fling out as he ties my hands keeping eye contact and let me tell you right now that Johnny looks hot doing it. I feel him moves my lining to the side as he messages me with his penis. Keeping my arms still with his headband that's wrapped around my wrist. I can't help but throw my head back and arch my back in pleasure. "F-fuck me already Johnny" I moan. "As you wish..princess" he says slamming into me. I let out a load moan. "G-god" he says. He connects our lips. Thrusting harder and faster this time. I move my head out of the way as he kisses my neck but doesn't leave a hickey.

I moan in pleasure. "J-Johnny I-I'm c-close" I moan. "Cum baby girl cum" he says kissing my neck. I release. He pulls out. It's a good thing we have a towel underneath me. "I'll go get Dutch" he says. He fixes himself up as I lay there catching my breath. I hear my door open and close signaling he left, about 5 minutes later it opens and closes again. I turn my head and see Dutch sliding down his pants. I take a deep breath. He comes and hovers over me. As he softly grinds himself against me. "Fuck me already Dutch" I moan in pleasure. "Your wish is my command princess" he says sliding his underwear down and thrusting inside me. I moan. He kisses my lips. One thrust, second thrust, third thrust, forth. He slides out and he kisses my neck down my chest down my stomach and further down.

I take a deep breath as he fingers me pumping one and then another. I moan. I then feel his tongue flick over. I let out multiple moans. "G-god Dutch" I moan again. I grip the bed sheets and arch my back in pleasure. "It's Bobby's turn baby" he says kissing me on last time. I catch my breath as he walk out and walks back in. Again 5 minutes later Bobby walks through the door. I turn my head. He slides down his pants and his underwear. He walks over to me and slams into me. "Fuck!" I moan a little to loudly. "Bobby..harder!" I moan. He does as I tell him to. "F-fuck" I moan again. He connects our lips. He Picks up pace. Our moans mixing together and our heavy breathing.

He pulls out and falls to the side of me as he jerks himself off. He cleans himself up and fixes his clothes as I catch my breath. "Let me call jimmy" he whispers. God these boys will kill me sooner. The door opens and closes for a second. I lay there and close my eyes for the 5 minutes that pass by until I hear the door open and close. I slowly open them to see jimmy right by my side. He connects our lips. He slides a finger in pumping as I bite his bottom lip. He moans in pleasure as I do to. Another finger. "Fuck jimmy" I moan. He kisses my lips. "I-I'm close" I whisper. He pulls his finger out, keeping eye contact with me as he licks them both. I take a deep breath.

He sits up. "It's Tommy's turn" he whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine. He walks out and I lay there catching my breath. 6 minutes pass and tommy walks in. He strips off all of his clothes and walks towards me. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to" he whispers. I look at him. "No I want" I say to him. He pulls off my underwear. He slowly thrusts inside of me as we keep eyes contact. Picking up pace as he connects our lips. He slides his hand from my waist and cups my boob gently. I moan. He kisses my neck. I moan. He pins both my arms to each side of my head. "Faster tommy" I whisper. He picks up pace.

"Harder" I moan. "As you wish babygirl" he says. I turn my head and let out a moan as his lips land in the right spot. "God" I moan. He takes off my bra. Kissing form my neck to my chest as his tongue traces my Nipple. He softly bites down on them as I moan. "On your stomach" he says. I turn over. He slambs into me as I let out a moan. I grip the bed sheets. "Fuck tommy" I moan. He wraps his arms around my stomach as he pulls me into his chest. My back to his front. He kisses my neck as I moan. "Tommy I'm close"I moan. "I know. I can feel you" he says. "Cum for me" he whispers in my ear. I release. He pulls out as I fall to the side. I clean myself up and slip on all my clothes. I throw the towel in the hamper. I lay on my bed and turn to the side. Tommy cleans himself up and puts back his clothes.

Tommy wraps his arms around me. "Go to sleep" he whispers. I close my eyes and fall into a peaceful sleep.

⚠️end of smut⚠️

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