Chapter ~74~

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I fold it and kiss the letter as my lipstick prints on it. I smirk to myself. 20 minutes later the bell rings. The guys stand up and walk ahead. "Hey green eyes!" I say as I walk closer to him. They stop and turn around. I pull out the note and hand it to him. I smile giving a little nod of my head and walk away past the guys catching the scent of mint. I shiver and continue walking. Instantly feeling weird. I feel eyes on me as I turn and see chase walking my way. I take a deep breath.

"Why are you alone?" He says. I look at him struggling to talk. "Cat got your tongue" he says giggling pushing me against the wall as my breath gets caught in my throat. "W-What are you doing?" I choke out. "You" he says. I take a deep breath. I look up and meet his caramel eyes. "You know you cant stay away forever" he says. "I can..and I will" I say to him. I elbow him in the stomach as he goes tumbling to the ground catching everyone's attention. I look around. "You bitch!" He yells. I start walking away.

I feel someone grab my wrist. "Let me go!" I yell trying to wiggle out of the persons grasp. I then feel their arms wrap around me as I whimper. I feel the hotness of breath on my neck as my heart beat quickens and my hands go sweaty and vision cloudy.


I try to wiggle out of Caleb's hold on the floor. "I hate you! Let me go!" I yell as tears stream down my face. "Your mine! Don't ever think of leaving me you bitch" He yells tightening his grip on my wrist that are pinned to the floor. I let out a sob. "Let me go!" I yell at his face as he slaps me. I feel his hot breath on my neck. He kisses me and trails down as I try to wiggle out. "Let me go" I say in barley a whisper. "No" he says again. I Ignore what he's going to do next and fade away to a different place so I don't have to feel or hear.

The end of flashback*

I let out a sob as tears stream down my face. "Just calm down" I hear the voice of none other than Bobby whisper in my ear. I let out another sob as I fall to knees with his arms still wrapped around me. I lean against his chest feeling his heart beat against my back and his calm breathing. I let out another sob as my heart beat quickens faster. Everyone watching. "Bobby it's not working" I say in a whisper. "Is it okay if I call tommy" he says. I shake my head. I hear foot steps walk around us to the front of me as I meet the eyes of him.

"I'm..and out" he says. I take a deep breath as Bobby does the same. 'In and out' I say in my head. Bobby's arms still wrapped around me as I do what tommy said. My vision going back to normal and my heart beat starting to slow down. I let out another sob but more quieter and softer. "Shhh. It's okay" tommy and Bobby say at the same time.

Bobby's POV

I see her walk away and shiver as I realize she caught the scent of Johnny. I open it and read it.

Good morning handsome,

Thank you for the compliment love! Made me feel really special! Like I said yesterday I just need time to think about this but I won't be gone to long! I really miss you and the guys to! I love you all so very much but give me time to think!

Sincerely, princess

I smile at it and put it in my pocket. I see a big crowd and realize that chase is on the floor and Lydia's against the wall looking scared. "Go" I say to the guys. "Teach the asshole a lesson" I say to them as they walk towards him as I see lydia pass us and I grab her wrist. Her heavy shaky breathing can be heard. I wrap my arms around her waist as she lets out a whimper and I realize she still bruised. "Let me go!" She yells. I take a deep breath in and out as I feel her go stiff. I then hear her start sobbing and shaking. Another sob. "Just calm down" I whisper in her ear.

She lets out another sob as she goes falling to her knees same as me with my arms still wrap around her. She leans against me feeling my heart beat and heavy breathing. She lets out another sob. Everyone starts to gather around as I keep my attention on her and only her. "Bobby it's not working" she says in a whisper. I think about the only person who calms her down during times like this. Tommy.

"Is it okay if I call tommy" I ask her. She shakes her head. I look back and make eyes contact with tommy as he walks over to us bending down In front of lydia. She looks up at him. "In..And out" he says to her. I do it with her so she gets a hint that's she's not alone. My arms still wrapped around her so she's knows she's safe and not alone. I feel her heart beat going softer and slower and her vision back to normal and her breathing calming down. She lets out another sob only softer and quieter.

"Shh. It's okay" me and tommy say at the same time.

Lydia's POV

I take another deep breath as the Guys make there ways towards us. "Your alright" I hear the soft voice of jimmy say. I shake my head and start crying again.

"But I'm not"

Agh! Hope you like it! Tell me what you think!

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