Chapter ~49~

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Jimmys POV
I grab it and realize is positive but she has hint of fear in her eyes. "It's negative" I say to her. I take a deep breath but not a loud one. She releases a breath herself. "Oh thank god" she whispers. She walks to the living room and I look at the guys. "I lied to her. I fucking lied to her" I whisper yell. "It's positive" I say. "But we can't tell her. Not for a good while" I say. "What do you mean can't tell her jimmy" Johnny says. "She's carrying a child that might be any one of ours!" Tommy whisper yells. "I know that" I say. "Don't tell her not yet" I say walking away but handing Johnny the test as I do.

Lydia's pov

I see jimmy come sit next to me as I lay my head on his shoulder. "Is it really negative" he says to me. "Yes" He says. Johnny sits next to me as I lay my feet on him and my head on jimmy. He plays with my hair as I fall asleep again for the second time today.

The next morning

I wake up in my bed. I walk to the bathroom wash my face and redo my makeup. I comb out my hair and straighten it. I feel like jimmy is lying but I don't think much of it. He hesitated when he told me it was negative and then when I asked if it really was he hesitated again. I shake it off. I put earrings in my ear. I walk to my closet and see what clothes I wanna wear today.

 I pack some leggings and a crop top just Incase I wanna change

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I pack some leggings and a crop top just Incase I wanna change. I pack my converse aswell. I slip on my white heals.

I grab both of my bags. I look at myself in the mirror. I'm glowing. Like natural highlight. I put on some perfume. I go to open my door but I see a note that says.

'Went home to change we will be back in twenty minutes'

I walk to the living room. I walk out of my house and to Daniels. I knock on the door as he opens it. "Wow" Hes says  giving me a hug. I smile at him. "Cmon lover boy" I say as he grabs his backpack and tell his mom bye. As we walk to my house the boys walk up the stairs. Mouth wide open. I let out a giggle. "Shut your mouth. You might swallow a fly" I say winking at them as Johnny punches my arm playfully and calls me a dumbass. I walk in as they grabs my bags. I walk to the fridge and realize I never opened my soda. I grab it and walk out. I open my backpack grab my house key and shut it.

Tommy grabs my hand and leads me downstairs. We get in the car. Not my car Johnny's car. And we all fit surprisingly. I get in the front with Johnny. As he pulls out and drives to school. I let the window blow in my hair as I hear. "Mm Lydia is that you? You smell good" Dutch says behind me. "Haha thank you" I say smiling. He places his hand on my shoulders and messages as I close my eyes enjoying it. "So about the dance this week. Lydia we've been signed up to join the committee after school to decorate" Johnny says. "Alright well then I guess we stay every day after school" I say letting out a giggle. We pull in.

I get out of the car as jimmy connects our hands. I take a deep breath. "You lied" I say to him as he looks at me and then looks down at the floor. I stop walking. I grab his face so he looks at me. "I'm not mad at you I just wish you told me the truth right  at the moment" I say as he looks at me. "I wanted to lydia but I seen the fear in your eyes and didn't wanna say yes just right away" he says. "It's alright Jimmy. Just remember you don't have to be scared to tell me anything" I say looking into his eyes. "After the way you whipped your teacher and principles ass last night! I think I'm good" he says laughing. I laugh along with him and give him a hug. "Seriously though..don't be so scared to tell me anything. I'm always here for you" I say.

He moves his head to look at me as I look at him and for a sweet moment we shared a kiss. I pull away and look at him. "I love you" he says. "I love you to" I say smiling at him.  We walk to my locker. I put my back pack inside  and grab my books. I shut it softly. I close my eyes and hear a girls voice saying  help me. Sounds like Barbra? I turn around I drop my things to the floor and see Barbra pushed up against her locker with..Caleb on her? How is nobody helping her. I know I'm not just imagining this. "Lydia..Lydia" I hear a voice say. I look up and realize I'm still leaned in my locker. "Cmon get your stuff the bells about to ring" I hear Johnny says. I back up from my locker and look at him.

"Are you alright?" He says. I turn around and see Barbara walking my way with the girls. I feel my eyes water. I turn towards Johnny and look at him. "Hey you alright" he says wrapping his arms around me. "I- yeah I am" I whisper. I blink the tears away. I grab my stuff and shut my locker. "Here" Daniel says handing me the Pepsi. "Thanks" I say giving him a small smile. "Hello boys! And Lydia" Ali says smiling. I smile at her as the bell rings. "Gotta get to class" I say walking away not with the others just me.

Agh! Hope you like it!

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