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2 hours later

I grab my keys and walk out of the house. Down the street taking a left, another left, a right, a left and then a right. I reach the gas station. I grab a coke. I pay for it and walk out. I turn into an ali. I take a drink as I get pushed into a walk. Dropping my coke on the floor. Fist to both of my sides and my stomach as my vision gets blurry. A punch to my nose. I take a deep breath. A kick to my stomach as I fall on the floor gasping for air. My vision blurry as I see a girl who looks just like ali  walk away followed by two others. I take a deep breath as my eyes close.

2 hours later

I wake up with my body aching. I whimper as I pull myself up. I make my way to Johnny's house. I bang on the door. It flys open as I fall to the floor. I whimper. "Lydia!"jimmy says helping me up.  "Wheres Johnny?" I whisper. "He's sick in his room, Dutch is at home sick himself" tommy says. They bring me to the couch. I whimper. "Who did this!" Bobby yells. I cover my ears from the pounding headache. "Don't yell Bobby" I say whimpering. "Ali and the girls did" I whisper. Jimmy comes back with bandages and alcohol.

30 minutes later.

"Lydia we are so sorry" tommy says. "I'll believe it when I see it" I say holding  my stomach and closing my eyes.

The next morning

"Hey babe wake up" I hear a voice say. I see all the guys above my head. I sit up whimpering as I do so I just fall back down. "I don't have a black eye so that's good"'I say trying to take a breath but struggling. "We should take you to the hospital" Johnny says. "No" I whisper. "Lydia you can't even breath" Dutch says "fine" I say getting up to fast getting a head rush. Johnny grabs me. I close my eyes. "Take it easy" he says. "Lydia you alright?" Johnny says. I look at him. That's the last thing I remember before I black out.

3 hours later

"She's pregnant!" Tommy yells. I groan and slowly open my eyes. I start coughing. "Johnny! Johnny!" I yell. I feel someone grab my hand. "I'm right here" he says. "Trash can! Trash can!" I say. He grabs it and I throw up in it. "Your awake" the doctor says. "Your pregnant and got a fractured rib" the doctor says. "Grate" I say starring at the ceiling. "Hold up! Pregnant!?" I say. "Yeah pregnant" she responds. I take a deep breath. Struggling as I do so. "Alive or..dead" I say. She looks at me. "Alive but it's dying" she says. I shake my head. "How long for the rib to heal" I say. "Just at least 2 days as quick as it can is as quick as it's leaving" she says. "You can leave when your ready" she says. I stand up from the bed strip on  my clothes.

1 hour later

I lay on Johnny's bed with tears running down my face. "You okay?" He whispers laying next to me. "I'll be fine. Are you okay?" I ask him. He looks at me. "I'm alright just worried about you" he says. "Don't be I'll be okay" I say. "You can't turn or sleep on your side" he reminds me. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. "I know" I say annoyed. He looks at me. He lays next to my shutting the light off, turning on his side and laying his hand on my stomach. "Can I ask you something?" He says. "Of course" I say closing my eyes. "What would you do if we got back together" he says. I look at him. "I don't know how that would work with Tommy and his feelings for me but I would love to you just have to work on you and your aggressiveness and possessiveness and anger and your actions" I whisper to him.

"I promise I'll work on it I promise" he says. I look at him. "Just let me think about it" I whisper. Silence for a couple minutes before I speak again. "I love you Johnny Lawrence. Goodnight" I say.

Sorry this chapter is short! 6 more chapters left and this book ends!! I already have the second in progress!! I love you babes!

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