Chapter ~14~

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I fall to my knees trying to catch my breath as tear rolls down my face. Tommy and Johnny come kneeling In front of me. "Just breathe" I hear tommy say. I shut my eyes trying to keep my breathing steady. Tears continue to slip even though  my eyes are shut. I open my eyes again. "Look at me" tommy  says. I turn my attention towards him. "In...And out.."he says breathing with me. Johnny grabs my hands but I keep my attention on tommy. "In... And out.." he says again. This time my breathing calms down. 

I look towards Lisa all the blood around her. "I think I'm gonna be sick" I say standing and running to the bathroom. I empty out my stomach in one of the empty stalls. The tears continue falling. I let out a sob.  I flush the toilet and walk out letting out another sob. I lean again the bathroom walls with my head in my hands and stay there crying.

"Lydia!" I hear ali yell from outside. I hear footsteps coming in and someone kneeling In front of me. I look up at her as she looks at me. "You should've seen her face" I whisper to her. "She looked so mad but so scared" i say again. I let out a sob. "She got what she wanted" Ali says. I look at her. "This isn't like me" I say to her. I stand up and walk out. "She had a knife in her hands!" Ali says.

"This ain't like me ali! I don't just flip out like that!" I say to her. The guys start walking my way. "I shouldn't have done what I did. It takes a lot for me to flip out" I say to her. She looks at me. "The blood ali..the blood" I say letting out a sob. I feel arms wrap around me and realize it's Johnny. "Her face I- that's the same face I had when my boyfriend would hit me. Mad but so scared" I say again. "She threatened you with a knife!She cut you for god sake lydia!" Ali says.

"It's not as bad as what I usually get" I say to her. I walk out of Johnny's arms and away from everyone. I see Lisa sitting on one of the tables. We make eye contact and I walk towards her. "I'm sorry" I say to her. "It's okay I guess" she says. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did but you shouldn't have threatened me with that knife" I say to her. "I'm sorry about that. I seen your face and I tried to stop but my anger got the best of me" she says. "My anger did to" I say walking towards her and sitting down. "I call truce" I say to her. She looks at me. "Me to" she says shaking my hand. I stand up and walk away.

I turn the corner bumping into someone. I look up and see Caleb. My nerves acting up again. "Sorry there" he says. I try to pull away but he holds me there. "Let me go" I say to him as my eyes start to water again. "Please" I whisper to him. He releases his hold. "Wow your still sexy" he says. I turn and walk away but he yanks  me back by my wrist. He wraps his arms around my waist. I look across to see Johnny and the guys.

"Let me go" I whisper to him. Johnny catches my eye and the fear written on my faces. He starts walking my way. Yanking me out of Caleb's arms. "Leave man" he says wrapping his arms protectively around me. "I get it now" Caleb says. "Your fucking this guy while your also fucking everyone else" he says laughing. I push Johnny back and kick Caleb in the face. He tries coming my way but I flick the knife out and in his face. "Do it" I say to him. "Fuck this" he says walking away. I let out a shaky breath. I turn and look at Johnny. As a tear slides down my face.

"If you ever think about fighting him for my sake.. please do not do it" I say to him. "No promises" he says. I softly smile at him. "I swear if any of you decide to kill one another..don't do it. I want you guys and Daniel to get along" I say to the guys. "For my sake" I say again and walk away.

I feel Dutch grab my hand and twirl me. I let out a little giggle. "There she is" he says. I give him a hug. "Hey Ali. Another round" I say to her. She smiles at me. We get into a row. "1!2!3!" I yell. We run and do a flip and we both stick the landing. "I'm ready to go home" I say to her. "Me to" she says smiling. We walk back to the Guys. I open up my locker and grab my bags. I walk to my car. I grab my keys. I unlock it and Throw my bags in the back. I lock the car again and walk back to the guys.

Sorry if it's short! But I hope you like it!

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