Chapter |~29~|

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⚠️✨ smut warning ✨⚠️

He backs us up into the couch. I wrap my legs around his hips as I feel him softly grind. I let out a soft moan against his lips. He lets out a little giggle. He looks up at me and I look up at him. "Your beautiful you know that..Johnny is stupid for using you all the guys say that and what  she said about us not wanting to be around you is a lie" he says connecting our lips again. "Mm okay..well I don't care about Johnny. I do care about right now though cause what matters is this. Me and you and everything else" I say smiling at him trying not to moan as he kisses my neck.

I feel his hand slide to my waist down. I suck in a breath as I feel his cold hand slide to my thigh. He stands up. "Cmon..lets go to the room" he says smirking. I grab his hand and we walk to the room. I walk towards the window and look at the pretty view of the beach. I feel arms wrap around my waist and kisses gently being placed on my neck. He starts to unzip my uniform top. As it softly falls off my arms and to the floor. I turn around as he looks at my bra. "Nice" he says laughing. "Shut up" I say smiling. He connects our lips as I fill myself come in contact with the bed. I take off his shirt as he in unbuckles  his pants.

He slips off my skirt and observes me. "You are beautiful" he says connecting our lips. He pulls down his pants as he pulls off my underwear. He undoes my bra and opens his drawer and pulls out a package. "You ready for this?" He ask me. "Yessir" I say smiling. He puts it on as I look outside and see the sun getting ready to set. I smile to myself and turn my head back to Bobby. I see him looking at me as he connects our lips. I feel him slamb into me as I moan against his lips. He kisses my neck as he continues to thrust.

"Oh god..Bobby it feels so good" I say him. "You feel so good" he moans. Without hesitation he picks up pace. Our Moans mixing together. About almost an hour later of us doing that I reach my high. "Bobby I'm close" I say to him. "Go ahead babygirl. Cum all over me" he says as he bites my neck. I let out a moan and release on him. He pulls out and falls next to me. I turn and see all the orange, pinks and purples. I feel his finger slide under my chin to make me look at him. I smile at him as he kisses my lips one more time. He grabs a blanket and puts it over us. He wraps his arms around my waist. I snuggle close to him.

"Cmon Let's go to sleep" he says. I smile at him. "I love you goodnight Bobby brown" I say to him as I close my eyes. "I love you to goodnight princess" he says kissing the top of my head. After just that. I fall into a peaceful slumber.

⚠️✨ end of smut ✨⚠️

The next morning

I wake up next to Bobby. I smile and blush as memories of last night come in mind.

I slip on My underclothes  and uniform. Bobby opens his eyes and I smile at him. "Good-morning" I say to him. "Good morning princess how do you feel" he says. "a little sore but I'm good" I say smiling. I walk up to him and kiss his lips. "Cmon. Get ready. I'm going to make breakfast" I say smiling and walking out. I shut the door and walk down the stairs. I crack some eggs and cook some bacon. I grab two glasses and pour some fresh orange juice. By the time I put it all on the table and set it up Bobby comes walking down.

He smiles at me and sits down. "So last night was amazing" he says. "It really was" I say sitting down and taking a bite of my bacon. We sit In silence and finish our food. I wash and put away. "Let's go" he says. He grabs my keys and my phone and I walk to the car as he locks the beach house. About a good couple hours we reach my apartment.  I walk out of my car and see my door swing open. Johnny yanks me by the arm. "Where the fuck were you last night!" He yells at me. "I just needed time alone and Bobby helped me out last night" I say to him annoyed. I walk away from him only to be yanked back. "Fuck off johnny!" I yell. I feel his hand come in contact with my face. "Johnny!" The guys yell.

I look up at him. "Fuck you!" I yell at him. "No wait..I already did" I say smirking and walk towards my room. I take off my uniform and throw on shorts and a tang top. I look in the mirror to see a handprint on my face. I trace it as a tear falls down. I see my door open and tommy walks in. He grabs me and hugs me. "I'm sorry" he whispers. "It's alright I just I hate Johnny now" I say letting out a giggle. "You don't deserve that" he says. "Honestly it's okay" I say laughing. "It's not okay lydia but if your okay then I'm okay I guess" he says to me. I hug him tighter. "I've missed you tommy" I say in his chest. "I've missed you to" he says kissing the top of my head. "Cmon" he says. "Let's go to  the living room with the others" he says grabbing my hand and we walk out. I go sit on the couch next to Bobby.

Hope you like it!!

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