Chapter ~99~

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We reach the school. The boys hop out of Johnny's car. I walk out and lock it with Austen pulling up beside me. "Who's wants to Ditch class and help set up the rest of the gym" I say to them. They all agree. We start walking "she's so hot" a couple of boys say that makes Johnny wrap his arm around my waists. I giggle. "Johnny don't be like that" I say giggling. The girls stop in front of us. "I said that the other night" Susan says. "Mmm did you" I say. "I bet you can't tell the inches of their dicks" I say smirking at her. "I can" she says. "Do it then" I say. " tommy is 13, Bobby is 11, Dutch is 13, jimmy is 12, Johnny is 11" she says. I giggle. "No" I say to her. "Johnny is 13, Dutch is 12, jimmy is 13, Bobby is 13 and Tommy is 12" I say smirking. "I feel bad for you not knowing real sizes" I say. "Cmon boys let's go" I say walking away. The boys following. "Mind me, how exactly do you know their sizes. Did you measure or what?" Austen asks. I look at him and giggle.

"I- we uhm I- I" I say stuttering. The boys laughing at me. "Shut up" I say. "I may have fucked all of them" I say looking at him. He looks at me. "Holy shit!" He says. I giggle. "Surprise" I say laughing. "You are a bad girl" he says making the guys laugh. I wink at him. "Mhm" I say laughing as they all burst  out in laughter. I unlock the school as everyone  walks. I unlock the gym. I walk in as I lock the door behind me. "Wait so can you tell how big mine is?" Austen says. "Not unless I try you out first" I say giggling. "I mean I wouldn't mind" he says. I laugh at him as so do the guys. "I have to tell you guys something" I say looking down from the floor to meet their eyes. "We know" Dutch says. "Your leaving" tommy says. "Tomorrow" Johnny says "on a Saturday" Bobby says. "This is the last time" jimmy says "we get to spend with you" Austen says. I look at them. "For a couple months" I say to them. "Your gonna be gone for a couple months!" Johnny yells. I look at him. "Yeah" I say. "Look I should've told you earlier but I- I didn't know how" I say to them. "We understand" he says.

"Fuck practicing let's go to the beach" I say. They look at me. "Might aswell if this is the only chance we get with you for a couple months" Austen says. I smile at him. We walk out of the gym as I lock it. Straight out of school and to the cars. The boys hopping in Johnny's car, Austen in his, me in mine. We start it at the same time. I pull out as so do them and we drive to the beach.

1 hour later

"You know I'm really gonna miss you" tommy says. "Aww me to" I say smiling. "I'm gonna miss all of you and doing this almost every night" I say to them as we sit on the sand. "Hey Austen can you take a picture of us" I say as I hand him my phone and he snaps a picture of us. I put the timer as Austen sits down. "Smile" I say to them. They smile. I grab my phone, look at the photos, and smile at them as I  shut it off. "I'm really gonna miss you guys" I say with tears in my eyes as I stare at the ocean. "Memories man all I'll have is photos" I say looking at the sun glaring on the ocean. "I can't have the same thing with me. The real people" I say as a tear slides down my face. "All I will have is photos and that's it! It'll take months for me to know exactly when I'll have you guys back in my arms, over and under me" I say giggling as they burst out in laughter. Johnny stands up and starts walking away to his car. I stand up and follow him.

"You alright?" I ask him. "No, no I'm not!" He says raising his voice just a little.  I flinch. "Shit I'm sorry" he says. "It's all right" I say. He looks at me. "I just can't stand the thought of you not being around for months. What if one of us fall in love with someone and you come back and realize that damn we all moved on" he says. "I'll be happy knowing all of you guys are happy. It'll hurt but that doesn't matter as long as you guys have smiles on your faces" I say to him. He grabs me and hugs me. "I love you Johnny Lawrence" I say  to him. "I love you lydia silver" he says. He gets in his car. "Boys Cmon! Let's get ready for prom!" He says as they all stand up and walk towards him and his car. They get in and look at me. "See you there?" They ask. I look at them. "Of course" I say smiling. They pull out and drive away. "Aww I'm really gonna miss them" I say to Austen. "Now let's go party" I say giggling as I get in my car with Austen following behind and getting in his car. I start it  and pull out. Drive to my house.

1 hour later

I pull up to my house. I grab out my backpack and walk to the front door. I open my door and see my dad and Cathy sitting on the couch. I shut it and walk straight up to my room. I put my backpack on the floor.  I pack up my outfits and shoes.  I redo my hair and makeup. I look at my moms dress and slip it on. 

I look at myself in the mirror

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I look at myself in the mirror. I take a shaky deep breath. I grab the shoes and slip them on.

I stand up

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I stand up. I slip on the jewelry. I put the tiara in and clip it. I look at myself in the mirror as there is a knock at the door. I open it and Austen walks in.

"Oh my"

Budump tiss

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