Chapter ~32~

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"I'm sorry I ran off like that Johnny I- I also didn't mean to ruin up your date" I say to him. "Hey she wasn't worth it. She's not worth it like you are. I got mad at her when she started talking shit about you after you left " he says grabbing me and hugging me. "I want us to continue to be friends but I don't want you to ruin and hurt me anymore" I say to him. "I never intended to lydia it's just I can't stand seeing you with anyone else let alone alone by yourself" he says. "I love you but we need a break" I say walking away.

When I said break I meant from each other not even friends. We need to be strangers for a while. I know we are both gonna be in a very fucked up mood after this but it's for the best. We need a restart. Hopefully taking a break from friendship is what's needed. "Hey we are gonna get going" tommy says to me. I smile at him. "Alright I'll se you in the morning" I say giving them hugs and kisses. They climb back on their backs followed by Johnny. I see them start it and ride away. "Need a ride Freddy" I sys to him. "Yeah that would be great" he says.

I hand Daniel my keys and we start walking to the car. He unlocks it and I climb in. Flashbacks from tonight run through my mind as I feel the car pull out and start moving.
"Give it to me one last time and I'll leave you alone"
A tear slides down as I notice we are already here. I get out of the car and make my way upstairs. "I hope you feel better soon. Have a goodnight" Freddy says to me. I give him a hug. "You have a good night to" I say smiling at him.

Daniel hands me my purse and keys. "Have a goodnight beautiful I love you" He says. "Love you to Danny goodnight" I say giving him a hug. He walks away and enters his house. I pull out my house key to see the guys pull up in Johnnys car. This time the car not the bikes. I look at them confused as they climb out but I shake it off. I open my door as I walk in. I walk to my room as the others walk in to. I grab out some shorts and a t shirt with black under clothes.

I fall on my bed on my back as the guys walk in.
"You know when you want time to stop going so want all the pain to go away but it stays there" I whisper to them as I stare at my ceiling. "You don't wanna be touched but you end up being touched in ways that you never thought would happen. You stop breathing while everything is happening. You think about a whole lot of shit" I say to them my voice breaking in the end. "And then next thing you know your just lying there..tears just falling and then you want to get comforted but you don't wanna be wanna be loved but you don't wanna be wanna smile but you just can' want to talk but you know if you do you'll start crying" I say to them as a tear falls from the corner of my eyes.

"Who cares anyway" I say standing up. I throw my phone on the bed and grab my clothes. "Imma go take a shower" I whisper walking out. I open up the door and walk in. I go to close it but Johnny stops it with his foot. "You didn't tell me what was wrong" he says. I ignore him. "Seriously what's wrong! What happened" he says raising his voice. My eyes start to water. "Johnny I don't wanna talk about it" I say. "No! Answer me!" He yells. "What! What do you want me to say Johnny! You want me to say! You want me to say the same thing that happened 2 maybe 3 nights ago happened again today!" I yell at him as tears fall. He looks at me. Anger and pain written in his face.

He punches the wall and storms out. "Johnny!" I yell at him. But it's to late he got in his car and left. I turn and look back at tommy as I run only into his arms and cry. "Go take a shower love well be here when you get out" he says. I walk out of his arms and into the bathroom. I shut the door. I slip off my clothes and start the water. I wash my hair and my body as I silently cry.

About 20 minutes I shut the water off. I walk out and start to dry my body. I slip on my underclothes and my clothes. I grab the blow dryer and blow dry my hair. After about 20 minutes I get done. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I grab my dirty clothes and open the door. I shut off the light and walk to the living room to see all the boys asleep. I shut off the lights and lock the door. I walk to my room throw my clothes in the hamper. I shut off the light and shut my door. I climb under the covers and close my eyes.

Imma try something different next chapter!! Sorry I haven't updated I've been bussy with school 😭❤️

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