Chapter ~95~

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The next morning

I wake up to Johnny slipping his shirt on. "Like what you see" he says. I giggle as I sit up. "In a way yes in a way no" I say giggling. I go to stand up but whimper. "Fuck" I say. He grabs my arms and helps me up. I let out a cough. "Thank you Johnny" I whisper. "Of course" he says. "After all your you know" he says. "I know" I say. I walk to a drawer of his but it's more mine. We planned on moving in together but we ended up breaking up but when I stay over my clothes are still here in a drawer. I pull out black leggings and a white t shirt. I slip off my clothes, pull up my pants as I whimper from bending  down. I pull them up.

Johnny gasps and looks away. I look at him then look in the mirror to see a big bruise. I slip the shirt on my arms. "Johnny come help me" I say. He walks towards me as I lift up my arms and whimper from the shooting pain as it goes over my head. I take a deep breath. I hear loud yells from downstairs then someone say

"Shh she's still here asleep I think. I think they are both asleep so keep it down so pregnant lady can sleep"

Then a knock at the door. I walk to the window. I sit on the ledge and peek out as I slowly open the blinds. "Good morning" Johnny says to the guys. "How is she" Bobby whispers. "I'm doing fine just in a lot of pain" I say as I stand up. I give each of them a hug and kiss and walk down the stairs. I slip on my Sandals the guys brought this morning. I grab my bag and my keys and walk out. I throw it in the back. I start the car and drive to the house. I pull into the gate, type the code and pull in further. I get a call on my phone.

"Hi this is the hospital for Lydia silver, is she there?"
"Your talking to her"
"Hi Lydia uhm we had a mix up with your uhm check in yesterday"
"What is it?"
"Well your pregnant and the baby is dying but uhm you don't have a fractured rib. That was for another patient. But you have bruises and will be sore but your healing very fast so I'm Not surprised if they are gone by tomorrow morning and that's a Thursday"
"Okay well thank you for letting me know"
"Have a good day"

I hang up the phone, grab my bags, walk out of my car and lock it as I walk into the house. I take a deep breath. "Hey dad" I say as I walk up stairs into my room. I pull out three suitcases and start packing my bags.

2 hours later

"A private jet and security guards will be there for you outside the airport. A limo will pick you up at the house so look your best" he says. "I don't wanna go" I say to him. "Your have to take care of your grandmother she's dying and I can't be there I have a business to run, a daughter to take care of, and a fiancé to Marry soon" he says. "Right your assistant to do. You know she's trying to get rid of me right" I say to him. "No she's not" he says. "Really? Cause why else would she be marrying you?" I say. Silence for 20 minutes till I speak again. "Exactly" I say rolling my eyes. I straighten my hair and do my makeup. I slip on my shoes. I grab my keys and my purse. I put my bags at the side of my door. I walk out ignoring my dad. I walk downstairs. I walk out of the house and Into my car.

I start it and drive off. I drive back to johnnys as I hear the boys laughing and..the girls?

I unlock the door with my key and walk In. Tommy's arm around Susan, dutchs arm around Barbra and Johnny's around Ali's. I walk straight up to the room. I open up the drawer. I grab my pink duffel bag. I throw my clothes inside and zip it up. I turn around and jump at the sight of everyone there. "Fuck you guys almost gave me a heart attack" I say annoyed. They look at me. "You guys can stop staring" I say walking past them and out. I walk downstairs. Stopping to take a deep breath. I twist both ways as my bones crack. "Lydia you cant do that" Johnny says. I giggle. "Oh but you can do that?" I say in a questioning tone. He removes his arm from around ali. "It's not what it looks like" he says.

"No they only beat me half to death" I say annoyed as the others remove their arms form around the other two. "Right. Only makes sense right Tommy?" I say giggling. "Shut up Lydia you know not to say anything" he says pointing his finger at me. As the boys look in confusion. I smirk at him. "You know not to say anything" I say in a mocking tone. I role my eyes. "Shut up! sound like my father" I say annoyed. "Lydia I'm so sorry for beating you up" Ali says coming near me. She goes in for a hug as I kick my leg up and hit her in the face. She falls to the floor as Barbra slaps me in the face. She gasps as I smirk and look at her. I do my tornado roundhouse kick. She falls to floor hitting her head and the wall as Susan comes pouncing at me I grab her head and push her into the wall braking her nose.

"Now I got to go. Clean up the blood looks like a murder scene" I say. I turn with a smile on my face and walk out shutting the door behind me.

Rule number one: never mess with a cobra

Bum bum buuuuum!


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