Chapter ~21~

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I walk towards the bathroom and start to rinse off my hand. I wipe it with paper towels. It stops bleeding but still kinda looks gross. Just bruised but not as bad I guess. I walk out and see Johnny and the guys. I grab my books out of Daniels hands. "How's your hand" tommy says. "Decent" I say to him. I turn and look at Johnny. Another tear slips from my eyes as he comes walking towards me to grab me but I just back up. "Look I don't wanna be around you..or be connected to you in anyway if all you gonna do is hurt me all the fucking time " I say crying.

He looks at me. "I'm sorry" he says. "You keep saying hat Johnny" I say to him as tommy comes and grabs my waist. "Prove it" I say as we walk away to history class. I take my seat next to tommy with Bobby and jimmy right behind me. Dutch and some chick behind them and Daniel and Johnny In front of me. I run my fingers over my nuckles. "After that little show we will resume the lesson" the teacher says looking at me but I ignore it and continue rubbing my nuckles. After being stuck in my thoughts the bell rings.

I swiftly stand up, grab my stuff and walk out. I take a deep breath as the teacher calls my name and tells me to hang back for a minute. "What was all that fighting about" She's says. "She said something that sent me way to over the edge and she just should've kept quiet" I say to her. "You shouldn't have hit her" she says. "Look keep your nose out of my business!" I yell at her and walk out. The guys waiting for me just out the door. I just walk straight pass them and to my geography class. I take my seat. Ali come sits in front of me and turns around. "What's wrong" she asks. "Nothing" I say raising my voice a little. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "I'm sorry" I say back. She just smiles at me.

"I just didn't have much of Grate day that's all" I say whispering to her. "I completely understand" she says back. I see Johnny walk in followed by Dutch and Daniel. Daniel sits next to Ali. Johnny next to me. Dutch behind me and Johnny. Johnny scotches over So our chairs are touching.

He puts his arms behind my chair, his lips against my neck and his hand on my thigh. I take a deep breath enjoying it but also panicking. "Johnny Stop" I whisper. I feel his hand moving up as I stop it but he keeps going. "Stop fucking moving!" He whisper yells in my ear. I feel a tear slide down. "Move your fucking hand" he says. I do as he says cause I just know better. I feel it go up. Touching me. He moves it up as he kisses my neck and another tear just slide. I take in a shaky breath. He touches my stomach as I feel his finger tips slide in my pants. "Johnny" I choke out. He starts sucking as I try not to let out a whimper. He continues touching me and rubbing as I close my eyes and think of something happy to get my mind off the panic.
Tears continue to slide. As he continues to rub. He still kisses my neck. He removes his hand. I open my eyes and turn and look at him as he has a smirk on his face.

I grab my stuff and stand up. "Hey lydia where you going" Daniel yells. I turn and look at him. "To die" I whisper and run out. I see the rest of the guys standing outside. They look at me as I look at them. Bobby comes towards me but I just walk back. "Don't" I choke out and run to my locker. I throw my books inside my locker. I slamb it and walk away from the school but still close. I fall to the floor and let out a sob. I feel someone wrap their arms around me as I slightly jump. "Get off of me" I whisper to whoever it is. I turn around and look at Tommy. He looks at me. I let out a sob as I just cry in his chest. "Tommy" I say crying. "I- i let it happen again..I enjoyed it but then I started to panic" I say. "Shhh..I'm so sorry" he whispers. "It's just johnny but..again" I say to him.

"I know" he whispers. "Dutch Told me what happened" he says. I wipe my tears and look at him. "It happened..and I let but I've been through it with Bobby, Dutch, jimmy and haven't tried anything" I say to him. "Johnny let it happen..Dutch let it happen..Bobby let it happen..jimmy let it happen..and I just kiss you" he says. I let out a giggle. "He tried to apologize and that was his way of saying I'm sorry..he didn't mean anything" he says again. "I know it's just I'm having a hard day today" I say to him. "It's okay we're gonna make up for it tonight" he says connecting our lips. I kiss him back. "Thank you tommy" I say To him. He grabs my hand and we stand up.

I see everyone waiting at my locker. I take a deep breath and wipe the tears from my eyes. Johnny instantly grabs me in a hug. "I couldn't help it" he says. "Johnny-" I say but get cut off. "I'm really sorry. It's al my f-" he says but I cut him off. "Johnny!" I yell. He looks at me. "It's not your fault okay shit happens" I say to him giving him a small smile. He kisses my cheek and walks down the hall sitting at an empty table. I look back at everyone.

Hope you like it!

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