Chapter ~64~

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I let a tear fall down my face as I listen to the clapping and cheering can't stop thinking about chase and what I've been through

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I let a tear fall down my face as I listen to the clapping and cheering can't stop thinking about chase and what I've been through. I look at everyone as I lock eyes with Johnny who's looks at me with a sad expression until he notices my tears. I wipe them away. Turning around signaling not to come over. Chase grabs my waist. "You felt good" he says. "Everyone says that" I say back. He grips my waist tightly where I hit myself as I let out a quiet whimper. "I mean it. And you'll be bruised there for a while" he says. He lets me go and walks away.

I look over at his friends as they have worry written on their faces. I softly smile. I walk off the stage. I grab a cup of spiked punch. It hasn't even hit me yet. I've realized I've been drinking out of the wrong one. I just finish what I have and get the right one. The alcohol burning my throat as I swallow but it feels good and instantly calms me. I look down at my wrist and see and bright red/purple hand mark on it. I run my figures over it. I throw my cup in the trash as I feel someone grab my waist to tightly. I let out a whimper. "Sorry for hurting you" I hear jimmy say. "It's fine" I say. I see everyone starting to dance again and listen to chase as time passes by, me by myself ignoring everyone and clearly everything. Everyone starts to leave as I clean up the trash and the decorations. I throw everything away. And pop the balloons out of anger. Cleaning up all the trash and throwing it all away.

Putting the food in the trash but finishing the punch. I shut off the lights and lock the gym. "Hey we were waiting. Still going to your house?" Susan says. I look at her. I shrug my shoulders. "Party at my house then" Johnny says. I open my car and grab my keys throwing my bag inside. I put down the stack. "Yes just go get another blow job" I say rolling my eyes and pulling out. "Don't drive fast cause your mad!" Johnny yells. I speed off and make my way to the house.

Johnny's POV

I've been watching her all night. I don't understand why she's mad at me or if it's even me she's mad at.

We were waiting outside for her. "You should go talk to her?" Ali says. "After we left just to go fuck. I don't think so. She'll be more pissed then she already is" I say to Ali. "It alright. She'll get used to the fact we all fucked one another" Susan says. Everyone lets out a laugh. I see her walk out. "Hey we were waiting. Still going to your house?" Susan ask's her. I study Lydia's movement as she only shrugs her shoulders

"Party at my house then" I say to everyone. She opens her car throwing her purse inside but grabbing her keys. She starts it and puts down the stack. "Yeah just go get another blow job" she snaps at me rolling her eyes. "Don't drive fast cause your mad!" I say to her. And just to my luck she pulls out and speeds off. "She's gonna Get herself killed" I say. "It's what she wants" Barbra says. "Shut the fuck up alright!" I yell at her. I climb into my car and wait for the others. Little did I know tonight was gonna be the wrong night.

Lydia's POV
I start crying as I reach the house. I get out unlock the door and lock it as I get in. I walk to my room and strip off my clothes throwing them in the hamper with the next part of my dress. I grab shorts and a over sized t shirt. And underclothes. I walk to the bathroom. I take a shower. I step out and look at the bruise that has now started to form on my waist. I let out a sob. I grab that piece of glass form under the sink. I walk to my room. I put on my clothes.

I sit on my bed and grab the lighter out of my purse heating it up on the edge.


I stand up and cry as I throw things around my room breaking a photo of me and my brother. Makes me cry even harder. I go and cry as I look down and slice. One cut..two cut..three cut..four cut..five.

I see the blood as I let the numbness take over and sleep.

*flashback to summer of 1982*

I walk into my room after getting abused by Caleb for the 5th time. I cry and cry. "I hate life!" I yell as. I walk downstairs as I knock into a glass vase with flowers. "You Better pick that up young lady!" My mother yells. I didn't even know she was home. "Yes ma'am" I say. I grab a cloth picking up the glass and the flowers throwing them away. I pick up all the water. I let out a sob. "Stop crying! Nobody wants to hear it!" My mother yells. "Don't yell at her! She trying to be perfect just for you!" My father yells. "It's alright. I'm just gonna go do homework" I say walking up the stairs. I hear the water running in my brothers room.

I open his door. "Logan!" I yell. "Logan you there!" I yell before I walk into the bathroom. I see his bloody body. Blood on his wrists. "Aghhhh!" I cry. I Kneel down as I grab his body on mine holding his hand as I get blood on me. "Mom!" I yell crying "dad!"'I yell again full on. "Wake up! You can't leave me!" I yell again. They run into the room. My dad grabbing me holding me and taking me out of his room. "Nooooo!" I scream. "Logan!!" I yell crying. I try catching my breath. "Aghhhh! Noooo!" I yell.

*end of flashback*

"Wake up!" I hear a voice scream. "Noo!" I yell jumping from my bed. I turn and see the boys and the girls. Tear stained faces on all of them as I collapse in jimmys arms.

Hope you like it! I bet you guys were waiting for a surprise! Never knew she had a brother? I was waiting for this but I was super crying hard so! I hope it was worth it.

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