Chapter | ~ 43 ~ |

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⚠️continuation of smut ⚠️

I now believe its 3 something. They are either trying to put me to sleep by fucking me senseless or they are just supper horny after my make out with Ali. Either way I ain't complaining. I'm enjoying it but also in pain. I look up at the ceiling until I hear my door open and shut. I see Bobby. With Bobby a lot of things happen some fun and some not so much. He Hovers over me as I smile at him. He connects our lips. He kisses my neck and trails down to my breast. He starts sucking as I throw my head back in pleasure and moan. He massages my clit as I let out another moan.

Another 30 minutes pass. As he stops and looks at me giving another kiss. He climbs off. "Now it's Dutch's turn" he says. I take a deep breath and now the time is possibly 3:50 maybe Im not sure.  Dutch walks in as I look at him. He smiles at me and grabs my legs. He kisses my lips. He trailed his lips from my neck to my chest,  to my stomach and  down. I grip the bed sheets and arch my back. I let out a moan as he continues to flick his tongue. "Oh god" I say trying to catch my breath. I grip the bed sheets and shut my eyes. I let out another moan as I open my eyes. He stops as I let out a breath.

I take a deep breath. "You fucking taste good" he says kissing my lips. "Now I'm gonna go get tommy" he says walking out and shutting the door. After a couple minutes tommy walks in. He hovers over me and connects our lips next thing I know only his underwear is on. I flip us over so I'm on top. I put my hand under both of us as I look into his eyes and line himself up with my entrance. As we grind against each other I let out a moan. "I give you full permission to fuck me senseless tonight" I say breathing heavy. "I'll take that chance" he says flipping us over.

He unclips my bra and thrust harder. "Oh god" I say. "I fucking love you" he says kissing my neck. "I-I love you to" I say gripping  the bed sheets. I bite his bottom lip as he lets out a moan. "Lay on your stomach" he says. I turn and lay on my stomach as he thrusts into me. I let out a moan. He bites my shoulder and wraps his hand around my throat connect our lips as he thrust harder and faster. He pulls out and falls to the side. I stroke his  penis with my hand as he moans. I put it in my mouth and sucks as a couple minutes later he releases and I swallow.

I puts back his clothes as I fall to the side. "Let me go get Johnny" he says walking out. I slip on my bra. And lay on my back. Johnny walks in. He lays down next to me kissing my lips as his hand goes from my stomach to my clit gently massaging me. I let out a moan. I fill his finger slide gently pumping. I bite his bottom lip and moan. "Johnny I'm close" I say to him. "Cum baby girl cum" he says. And I release. He sucks on his finger as I let out a shaky breath. He kisses my cheek.

⚠️end of smut⚠️

I turn and look at my wrist to see my bandage is full of blood. I sit up and put  on my underwear. I put on my leggings and t shirt.
"Johnny bring me the supplies to clean this up please" I say as he walks to the bathroom. I sit down and grab my blanket. I start to unwrap my bandaged wrist. I wince at the cuts that I made. Johnny comes back with the supplies. I grab the alcohol and cotton balls and wipe off the blood. I put gauze on the cuts and wrap it up again as Johnny takes the supplies to the bathroom I stand up and Throw away the bandages.

I lay on my back close my eyes and fall into a somewhat dreamless, numbness sleep.

Sorry this chapter is pretty short!! But I really hope you like it!!

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