Chapter ~39~

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I blush a little bit as we walk inside. I take a seat on The bench thing as the guys go to change in their karate gi's. "Lydia" I hear John say on the side of me. I turn to look at him with a sad expression on my face. "I like the stunt you pulled the other day not knowing who I was" kresse says. "The guys don't know" I say to him looking down at the floor and back up. "Hmm that's sad" he says smirking. Next thing I know the guys come walking out. "Mmm your wearing Tommy's jacket" he says. "You should get one of your own" he says. I shake my head letting out a giggle. "get in a line!" He yells to the class room. I take a look around the dojo. I smile as I see a picture of him and my dad on the wall. I instantly feel sad but I shake it off.

"Mr. Lawrence warm them up!" Kreese yells as Johnny goes to stand I front of the class room.

They bow following Johnny as he looks up and smirks at me

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They bow following Johnny as he looks up and smirks at me. I roll my eyes with a smile but man does he look hot with that head band and karate gi like the others do. This goes on for about 20 minutes. His yelling and talking to his student continues till it nears the end and how I know is by one saying six words.

"Strike first!strike hard! No mercy!"

I look up at the class as they bow and head to the locker rooms to change. I fix my attention to the guys and John. I turn and look outside the window. "We are gonna go change and be back soon" I hear Johnny say. I turn to look at him. "Okay" I say to him. They walk to the locker rooms and I look at kreese. He walks up to me. "They don't know" he says. "They don't know that your dad is my best friend and I'm your god father" he says. "No and I'm not planning on telling them" I say to him. The guys walk out. "Lydia you ready" tommy says. "Give me a second. I'll be out there in a Minute" I say smiling as they walk out. "Join cobra kai. Your a very good fighter" he says. "Will you do me a favor if I will" I say to him. "Yes after all your my god daughter" he says.

"I need you to teach my principal, teacher and a student a lesson tomorrow" I say to him. "Deal" he says shaking my hand. I turn to walk away but he tells me to hang back. He returns with a cobra kai jacket black with my name on it. "Your official" he says. "Thank you" I say smiling. "I got to go" I say walking out. "So what happened" Dutch says. "Let's just say I'm a member of the team now" I say smirking as I pull the jacket from behind me. "I knew you could do it"Bobby says. I smile at him. The guys go back to talking I pull out my stuff from Tommy's jacket and put it in mine. I slip mine on. "Here you go" I say handing tommy his. He grabs it and puts it on. "Thanks for making it warm" he says giggling. "Anytime" I say laughing. I look back and kreese as he smiles at me through the window. "Give me a second" I say to the guys as I walk back inside.

I give kreese a hug as he hugs me back. "Go the guys are waiting for you" he says laughing. I turn to walk out but turn to ask him a question. "Have you heard from my dad" I ask with a sad tone. "Yeah, he said he'll be here next week. You'll have to talk to him lydia he says he misses you" he says to me. "I just don't know how" I say walking out. "Let's go to the beach" I say smiling as I climb on the back of Johnny's motorcycle. They smile at me and we start to drive away.

20 minutes later we pull up to the beach and see Daniel with Freddy and Ali. He's teaching her how to balance and kick the ball up and down with one knee. I smile at everyone as Freddy notices me and comes running up. I get off and smile as he grabs me and hugs me. "How are you?" He says grabbing my hand and bringing me down with his friends. "I'm good, how are you?" I ask him. "Good" he says smiling. We reach his friends as they all stand up to give me a hug and say hi. "You look nice" one of his friends say winking at me as I let out a giggle. I turn to see the guys barley coming down. "Wait your apart of Cobra Kai" Freddy ask I turn to look at him. "Yeah and eventually I'm gonna have to tell Danny" I say to him as I turn and look at Daniel.

"Just be carful. Cobras get in a lot of trouble" he says. "I know" I say with a sad expression on my face. I see the guys walking towards us. "Who's down to play a little bit of soccer" I say to them with a smirk. "Oh all of us are" I hear Daniel say. I look at him and smile. I slip off my shoes and my Cobra Kai jacket. "Daniel the ball" I say to him. He tosses it to me as we go walking to a different side of the sand. "Cobras on my side" I say. "That's fair since your one of them" Daniel says. I look at him. "Yeah so what? Doesn't mean I'm just like them" I say in an annoyed tone. I kick the ball as hard as I can into the goal as they forgot the game started 2 minutes ago so I took my chance. "That's a point for cobra" I say smirking.

Wtf! Just happened!!! Agh!!!!

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