Chapter | ~42~ |

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I toss and turn knowing I will not get sleep tonight either. I sit up in my bed. I look at my phone to see the time and it's about 1:30 in the morning. I walk to my window and look out side. I take a deep breath as I hear my door open. My body stiffens as I don't wanna turn around to see who it is. I close my eyes for a quick second. I take  another deep breath as I realized my door never closed I turn around and see all the guys standing. "You don't have to stand there" I whisper to them. I walk to my bed and sit down wrapping my blanket around me. "Why'd you do it" tommy says. I look at him and look down.

"There are multiple reasons why and I just can't go through all of them at once" I say crying. They sit on the bed as tommy grabs me and hugs me. "You don't have to hurt yourself. We are here for you" he says. "I know but I can't keep laying all my problems out on you guys for you to just solve them. I have to solve them" I say to him. "And you" I say turning to Johnny. He looks at me. "You just stick by my side okay?" I say grabbing his hand in mine. He looks down then look at me as he connects our lips. I pull away and look at him. Tommy takes off the blanket as I look at him.

"Oh no" I say letting out a giggle. "We are doing this right now" I say laughing. "Oh yeah" Bobby says grabbing my legs and basically dragging me to lay on my back. I look up at him as his hand roams up my shirt. I suck in a deep breath and look up at the ceiling from his cold touch. "What if I don't want to" I say to him.  He connects our lips. "I don't think that's a choice princess" Dutch says. "No. no. it. Is. I. have. choices" I say in between kisses. I feel him kiss my jawline to my neck finding my sweet spot as I let out a moan. "Punishment Princess" Johnny says. I bend my head back and look at him as Bobby grinds himself against me I close my eyes and let out a moan.

"You know the hickeys you guys left couple days ago aren't even gone yet" I moan. "Im gonna go jerk off now" Bobby says getting up. "Go to sleep princess" Dutch says kissing my lips. "I can't" I whisper as I plop myself up on my elbows. "I'm scared to fall asleep now" I say standing up and walking to my window. I feel arms wrap around my waist and I turn my head to see Johnny. I turn my entire body around. He leans down and connects our lips. I kiss back. He walks us towards the bed.


He grabs my legs so I'm on top of him as he's sitting down. "Dutch hold her arms" Johnny says. I look at Johnny. As Dutch walks behind me. He moves my hair out of the side of my neck and whispers sending shivers down my spine. "We're gonna make you feel real good" he says dragging his finger from the top of my shoulder down grabbing my arms.  "You really got us today you know that" Johnny says running his thumb on my bottom lip. He connects our lips. He bites down as I let out a moan. I feel one of his hands go from my waist to my mid thigh. He starts to rub me outside of my leggings. I moan against his lips. "Fuck" I hear tommy say. He moves his hand to the inside of my leggings rubbing my clit.

I bit down on his lip as he moans making me moan. "God" I say breathlessly. "Mmmm Johnny" I say as he connects our lips. "Everyone out" He says as everyone walks out. I take a deep breath and look down at him. He pulls out his hand. He flips us over so he's on top. He pulls is headband out of his head and ties my hands. He pulls off my shorts and pulls his off. He slambs into me as I let out a moan. I whimper from the pain but also the pleasure. "Say it" he says. "Daddy" I say moaning. "Good girl" he says thrusting. I let out a moan. He takes off my shirt untying my hands and then tying them back up. He Kisses my neck down leaving a hickey another after another. I let out multiple moans as he thrusts.

"Harder" I say as he holds my arms above my head. Our heavy breathing mixed with one another. "Faster daddy" I say trying to catch a breath. As I'm about to reach my high he pulls out. I stare at the ceiling as he unties my hands. I look at him. He kisses my lips. "Now im gonna go call jimmy" he says. "Just go through the whole group hmm" I say smirking as he smirks back. He picks up his pants and walks out the door shutting it behind him. I grab the blanket and wrap it around myself. I look at the time and it's about 2:30 now.

I hear my door open and close. I turn and see jimmy. He walks towards me. As we keep eye contact. "Lay back" he says as I keep the blanket around me and lay back. He pulls my legs and pulls me close to him as he unbuckles his pants and massages me with his penis. I throw my head back and moan in pleasure. I next feel him thrust inside as I let out an even louder moan. This goes on for about 30 minutes till he pulls out. I take a deep breath. I sit back up. "It's Bobby's turn now" he says smiling. He walks out shutting the door behind him.

Agh!! More smut next chapter!!

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