Chapter ~98~

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The next morning

I hear knocking at my door. I stand up and rub my eyes. I slowly walk over to the door. Grab my robe put it on and tie it. I unlock my door and open it to see the boys standing there. I open my door wider so they get in. I close it and lock it's the same time my phone starts ringing. I grab it from the bed.

"Hey I'm on my way to your house"
"I'll see you when I get there"
"For sure. Bye"

I hang up the phone and fall on my bed as I stare at the ceiling. They boys sitting around. "Lydia what's this box" tommy says grabbing it from under my bed. "No way!" Dutch says. "What is it?" Johnny ask's. "Aww that's cute" Bobby says . "You saved all of them" jimmy says. "Yup" I say back as I sit up "why?" Johnny ask's. "If you want I can throw them away" I say grabbing the box and walking over to my trash can. "No!" They all yell. "Exactly" I say smiling. I hand it back to Tommy as he puts the lid back on and slides it under the bed.

I walk to my closet. I open the doors and walk inside,  it's huge. I walk inside but there isn't really anything to wear. I leave the light on walk out and to my dresser.


I lay it on my bed and walk back to my closet to pull out pink heals

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I lay it on my bed and walk back to my closet to pull out pink heals.

I set them on the bed

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I set them on the bed. I take off my robe as the guys look at me intensely. I smirk. I take off my shorts and grab the pink ones. I slip them on. I grab the top and I tie it and I slip off my bra and slip this one on. I walk to the mirror and adjust my boobs. "Someone tie this please" I say. They jump up. "I'll tie it" Bobby says. He walks over to me as I look at him in the mirror. He grabs the string and tightens it. "Yeah right there is fine" I say as he starts to tie it.

He sits back down. I paint my nails blue. I start to paint my toe nails. It dries fast. I slip on my heals. I put on my jewelry. I curl my hair and do my makeup. "By the way Austen's coming" I say as I apply red lipstick. "Why Austen?" Tommy says. I stand and look at him. "Just so you know he's gay" I say. "How do I look" I say to them. They look at me. "I- if you can make me hard by just standing and looking like that then you are fine" Dutch says walking to the bath room. "Don't cum on my mirror" I  say giggling. He shuts the door and locks it. Johnny walks towards me, wraps his arms around me. He hugs me tightly. "I've missed you" he says. "Yeah, what's not to miss" I say removing myself from his arms. There is a knock at the door.

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