Iida x Reader

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[A.N: Okay, first off, 4.8K views?! Holy crap, thank you guys so much!!! Second: I got this idea on the phone talking to a friend. (You know who you are.)]

Lately, Iida had been feeling different towards a certain someone.

'(Y/n)...' he thought one night, turning over your name in his mind. He couldn't get them out of his mind. You beautiful face flashing in different events among all his memories. He'd liked one other person before and that went horribly wrong. He'd done his best not to romantically attach himself to people, but you... you were something special.

Over the past couple of weeks when he realized he was feeling different, he became scared, not wanting to ruin the friendship you had both created. Iida didn't want to admit it to himself, but he sadly knew just where this was leading.

Tensei had given his younger brother advice on what to do in these types of romantic situations, but he didn't want to risk telling him and being teased for it. But the eldest knew there was something amiss with his younger brother.

"Are you alright Tenya?" Tensei asked one evening.

"Yes, everything's perfectly alright."

Tensei merely nodded. "No, no they're not."

"How can you tell?" Iida was worried his brother had figured something out.

"You like someone don't you?"

Iida froze. Tensei'd figured it out. "How... how can you tell?"

"Well, firstly you're reading." he pointed out. "I've seen you bring home books I know we don't have and they're in genres you don't even like."

Iida sighed. "Yes, that is true."

"So who's the lucky (girl/boy)?" Tensei asked without even missing a beat.

Iida didn't want to talk about it. He wanted to avoid this subject for as long as possible.

That one memory... it plagued him. He silently hoped this wouldn't end up like the first time he'd liked someone...

{Beginning of Memory...}

Iida realized something today. It was something very foreign and new, and he thought he liked it. When he got home, he told Tensei about it.

"Aw, well would you look at that." Tensei cooed. "Baby brother's got a crush!"

"Tensei! Not so loud." Iida hissed. "Mother will hear and I know I'd never hear the end of this!"

Tensei smiled. "Well what are you going to do about it?"

"I want to ask her out." Iida had grown fond of a certain girl at school and wanted to know what to do with what he'd discovered, so he came to his older brother who might have a bit more experience with this than he did.

"Well, find out what she likes first." Tensei advised.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Iida read every book his crush said she liked. He was very interested in what she liked. Tensei was quick to point out about the books. Iida made him promise not to say anything to their parents, he was still kind of embarrassed about it.

Once Iida had enough confidence, he decided to so something very special to confess to his crush: He was going to use lines from her favorite books he thought were romantic.

When the day came, Iida found himself very nervous, but he was excited! He had finally gotten up enough confidence and courage to tell her he liked her.

"I'm sorry, I know you're nice and all but..."

"But what?" Iida was now scared and concerned. Did he use the wrong phrases? Was it too sudden? Not elaborate enough?

"It's just... I don't like you like that."

{End of Memory...}

Iida hadn't liked anyone like that for a long time because that memory was always quick to remind him and steer him away.

But you... he had to do something about this feeling, eating away at him inside.

Since you were different than last time, Iida decided to try again: He was going to use the same method he used to confess to his first crush.

Iida had finally gotten over his fear and was coming to you to confess.

He came downstairs to the common room and found you on the couch among some of your classmates.

"(Y/n)?" he asked. You turned around to see Iida. Huh, what did the class rep want from you exactly? "I'd like to speak with you."

"Um, sure." You got up, going around the back of the couch and looking up at him expectantly.

"Preferably alone." he added, wanting to say what he had planned away from listening ears and nosey classmates. (Especially Mina who was queen shipper of the class.)

He led you upstairs to his dorm and let you in. You sat in the chair at his desk and he sat on the edge of his bed.

'Why now all of a sudden?' All the things he'd prepared to say in confession fled his mind faster than he could run. He still decided to push on and say what he wanted to directly.

"(Y/n), as of recently, I've been feeling different towards you." he began. "I hope that what I'm about to say doesn't ruin our friendship."

"What do you mean?" You were confused.

He sighed and looked at the floor that had suddenly become a very interesting thing to look at. He slowly looked back up at you.

"I guess, what I'm trying to do is confess."

"Confess?" Things were beginning to click in your mind.

"Yes, I happen to like you. A lot." Iida's heart was pounding in his chest. You really liked him back but you waited to hang back to see what he did first. Your face colored so much you could have been Mina's sister.

You tried to say something in response, but it came out in stutters and in a small voice.

"I-I... I r-really l-like you too." You voice was small, but Iida understood every word.

"R-... really?" You nodded and he grinned. Iida started to color a little bit as well, but not nearly as much as you.

And so you made it official that evening. You two had planned a date for later that week, and saying you were excited would have been an understatement.

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