Midoriya x Reader

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[A.N: Kind of a reverse comfort thing. I don't know where I might have gotten this idea, but I thought it was cute and it's been sitting in one of the many corners of my head. Anyways, I hope you enjoy.]

[Uhm, also- this might be a touch bit angsty. Mostly it's just helping our favorite bean through some insecurities. Anyway, I'll shut up now.]

'Childish.' he thought. 'I look like I'm five still.' Midoriya stood in front of his mirror, staring at the face that blinked back at him. 'Why won't they go away?' Midoriya studied the freckles perched on his cheeks, occasionally rubbing his finger over them like they were dots and he'd smear them, taking them away as a black smudge on his thumb.

But no matter how many time Midoriya wished and hoped, they sat there stubbornly.

He sighed and flopped down on his bed, pulling out his phone. Midoriya scrolled through several different articles, almost falling asleep, until he found an article about a camera filter that removed imperfections.

Midoriya's eyes widened, fighting off the urge to sleep. His eyes scanned over the description of the article, tapping on it to open.

Editing takes a lot of time and lots of experience. And let's be honest, some people just don't have the time, money, or effort to learn how to edit their own photos. But don't let that stop you, with this camera filter, it can give or take away any undesired trait you want!

'It can't be true, it's too good to be true.' he thought. 'Isn't it?' Midoriya scrolled a little farther, skimming over the possibilities of what could be removed or added.

He wanted to try it, it couldn't hurt...

Could it?

Midoriya tapped on the download link, hoping it wouldn't be like one of those filters that gives you an abstract version of your face.

It took only a few minutes for the app to fully download. He tapped on the open icon to be met with the app's loading screen.

Midoriya sat up, anxiously waiting for the load screen to disappear. The app gave Midoriya pointers on what was best for the photos and that he could overlay several different filters at once to give him a certain look. He scrolled through the filter options, only stopping when he found the 'remove freckles' option.

He tapped on it, the filter now in effect. Midoriya stared at his face, the eight black dots now seemingly disappeared into thin air.

He tried different filters, making his round face into one that looked sharper, more defined. He tried all different kinds, changing his eye color, hair color, even his hair style.

You knocked outside his door. "Izuku? Can I come in?"

"Y-yeah, one second." He closed out of the app and shoved his phone under his pillow. Midoriya got up and opened the door for you. "H-hey (Y/n), what's going on?"

You shrugged. "Oh, nothing. Just wanted to come see what you were up to." Midoriya nods, sending a glance back to his bed.

"You doing okay?" you asked. Midoriya's gaze snapped back to you.

"Y-yeah, I'm-I'm good." He sheepishly smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, but not until you noticed the red on his cheeks. It didn't look like a natural blush.

"Are you sure?" You asked again, cupping one side of his face and gently brushing your thumb over his cheek. "I can tell there's something wrong."

He wanted to tell you, truly he did. But did he?

Yes. (It's mostly because he can't say no to you.)

Midoriya let you in and the awkward hiding act he tried to put up fell away in mere seconds of your presence. You always seem to put him at ease.

"This, uhm, this may sound... odd..." he started. "But, um... do you think... do you think I..."

"Do I think what?" you prompted.

He sighed. "Do you.... do you think I'd look better without my freckles?"

You blinked for a second. "What do you mean?"

Midoriya didn't prepare for a kind of debate, so he was left floundering for a reason until he settled on one that seemed reasonable.

"There isn't a pro hero who has freckles or-or a round face." He looked at the ground, something that became suddenly more interesting.

"Well, you'll be the first." He looked up, seeing the sincerity in you face.

"Yeah but," he looked at his reflection. "I look like I'm still a kid."

You tilted you head and cupped the side of his face, making him look at you. "Just because you think you look like a child doesn't mean you are one."

"B-but all the pro heroes look so cool and-and-"

"Izuku, those heroes are twice, almost three times our age."

Midoriya sniffed, fighting back tears. "I know, but what about people like Kacchan or-or Todoroki?"

You shook your head. "You're still growing. People grow up differently. Whether it's their height or their structure... You can't blame yourself for how you look."

Midoriya took your hand off his face and went to his bed, slipping out his phone and opening it back up to the app. You sat next to him to figure out what he was looking at.

"This... this is what I want to look like." He showed you the filter where his facial features were more defined and there were no freckles.

"Okay, that's enough." You snatched his phone from his hands.

"Wait! (Y/n), no!" You deleted the app and deleted any pictures he took with the filters.

"Why do you think this is how you should look?" You asked him.

"I just... I don't know. I guess I just wanted to look like one of the pros or-or like one of those famous actors."

You softly smiled and folded your arms. "Izuku, look at me." He looked up at you, a thin trail of tears running from both his eyes. You snatched a tissue from a nearby box and dried his tears. You sat next to him and hugged him tightly. "Your features are what makes you signaturely you." You could feel his body shake as he broke silently. "You don't need to look like anyone else. No ands ifs or buts." Midoriya peeked up at you. "You know all those famous actors or whatever that play kids in movies?" He nodded. "They've been doing parts like those for as long as we've been alive." Midoriya said nothing, but merely blinked at you. "They're twice out age Zuzu. And trust me, you don't need to look like one of them."

Midoriya sat up, and rubbed his eyes after you let go.

"W-why a-are you still with me?" His voice thick and watery.

"Because I love you." You said.


"Why not?" you countered. "I love you for you, you don't need to compare yourself to anyone else. You're you and that's who I love."

Midoriya sniffed. "I-I love you too, (Y/n)."

You softly smiled and gently lowered his head, planting a soft kiss to his forehead.

"I love you more than you will ever know."

[A.N: Thank you so much for reading, I hope y'all enjoyed! I do want to say I have some drawings and stuff that I made of our lovely MHA boys and girls and if you'd like to see them, just comment and let me know. Have a wonderful day/night/whatever and don't forget to drink water. Bye!]

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