A Test Run

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[A.N: I'm gonna start acting like this book is run by the MHA guys of this book and I'm giving this a test, so y'all are responsible for telling me if this is good or not. (Or send in suggestion for things like this in the future, I highly encourage it.)]

Bakugou: So what the h*ll are we supposed to do here? *taps the fourth wall*

Me: Hey! Careful with that! That's the fourth wall you're messing with.

Midoriya: The fourth wall? *Looks through it and peers at the reader with curiosity.* Oh, Hello! *waves.*

Todoroki: What are you doing Midoriya?

Midoriya: I'm saying hello to the reader! *smiles sweetly.*

Kirishima: Hey reader! *grins*

Denki: *pays no attention to us and sings memes in the background.*

Midoriya: Why are we here at the fourth wall?

Me: *shrugs* i dunno, I thought it would be fun.

Bakugou: *yells and tries to take down the fourth wall*

Me: What are you doing?! Quit that! *pulls on his arm to get his attention.*

Bakugou: I wanna get on the other side of that thing.

Kirishima: *confused* why?

Me: You can't.

Bakugou: *arrogantly* And why not?

Midoriya: Kacchan, you'll break fiction and reality.

Bakugou: And why should I care?

Iida: Because there's a delicate balance, the author here is kind enough for us to even get a glimpse of it!

Kirishima: I honestly didn't know this thing was here. *pokes at the wall which wobbles like jello*

Midoriya: Author, what happens if someone gets on the other side?

Me: Beats me, all I know is that whoever is on one side stays on one side. Never to cross over.

Kaminari: *still singing memes* So the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man runnin' the stand, "Hey!" Bam bam bam *hits the wall with each 'bam'* "Got any grapes?"

Kirishima: *joins in the terrible singing because why not?*

[The two wander off, still singing memes.]

Iida: Well, that was odd.

Todoroki: It certainly was.

Iida: Oh, miss Author? You said you're still working on my catch up chapter?

Me: Uh... yes... I just haven't made any further progress on it... yet. {Me who hasn't worked on it in several weeks- 0_0... WeLp!-}

Todoroki: Miss Author?

Me: *internally panicking because I really need to finish Iida's chapter*... yes?

Todoroki: I was just wondering if there was a oneshot for me in the works? I noticed Midoriya, Bakugou and Kirishima had some already and I was wondering if there was one for me and this, *looks at you and gives you a once over* lovely reader.

Me: As soon as I get rid of all my drafts, I promise I will-

Kaminari: *Pops up out of nowhere* Ooh! We're gettin' stories?!

Me: *inhales*... *remembers I haven't made a single oneshot for him either*... oy vey... *Looks to you* Allow me to enlighten you on this situation... These lovely- *sees Kaminari in the corner of my eye* creatures give me things to write, some of them with things already written and left for me to improvise and correct where needed. And now I'm being left without a single prompt.

Bakugou: Hey! I gave you  ton of ideas!

Me: All of which contained mass murder and the death of Midoriya which had nothing to do with any of your plot lines.

Bakugou: *about to protest, but I cut him off*

Me: Even though you read romance you can't come up with an original plot.

Bakugou: Hey! Don't you f**king expose me like that-!

Iida: *to me* You know there are only seven stories in the world right?

Me: I know I know, but I swear- I've literally read all of Bakugou's stories before. Either he's that unoriginal or I've read that much fanfiction... Both, actually. I'm just gonna settle on both.

Midoriya: Miss Author, you really don't have to write any of them if you don't want to. You've already done so much for us already.

Me: *tired sigh* Thanks Midoriya. Now c'mon, I have other things to attend you. I have these headcannons that I need you to look over and tell me what you think... *voices trail off*

[Everyone leaves]

Kaminari: You're still here? The thing said we left, so why are you still here? Go outside, get some water or a snack, maybe go to sleep. *under his breath* I know I need to. But hey, if you wanna chill with me, go right ahead, I was gonna have me a snack myself. (It's not you I'm afraid, but I wish it was.) *Pulls out a bag of chips and sits down* Go ahead and comment if you wanna talk, I'm all ears! If not, feel free to keep scrolling, I won't stop ya. *winks*

[Iida calls Kaminari in the distance]

Kaminari: *yells back* Yeah yeah I'm coming! *whispers to you* no I'm not.

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