Christmas Headcanons

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[A.N: Hey! Loot at that! It's Christmas season! My favorite holiday. I'm sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas, but I hope you enjoy these lovely headcanons anyway!]


-He loves Christmas! It's his favorite holiday.

-He loves the decorations and lights, not to mention the fun games and gift-giving.

-Midoriya also likes making Christmas cookies with you. (His favorite is sugar cookies.)

-The kind of person who would start counting down the days till Christmas directly after Thanksgiving.

-Not a big fan of the cold weather, but he likes to stay inside with a cup of hot chocolate and watch the snow.

-If you get him out in the snow, he'll probably make some mini-snowmen.

-Don't start a snowball fight with this little cinna-bun. He'd turn at the wrong moment and end up with a face full of snow.

-Midoriya loves listening to Christmas music and would go caroling, but he's to nervous to do it.

-Definitely does not  have an All Might themed Christmas tree in his room. (Ah ha.. that's a lie and we all know it.)


-The embodiment of the Grinch. He doesn't like Christmas really.

-The only thing he likes about Christmas is the presents.

-Do. Not. Invite him. To a White Elephant party.* He'll get mad if someone steals the gift he wanted from him.

-Don't even think about playing Christmas music around him. He'll just turn it off.

-However... he does like him some twisted Christmas. That's the only kind of Christmas music he likes. [A.N: If you don't know Twisted Christmas, it's freaking hilarious, I suggest you listen to some.]

-The only kind of Christmas you'll be able to get out of him is Christmas cookies his mom forced him to make. (Believe it or not, they're really good and you're sad when the cookie tin's empty.)

-Hates the weather, thinks it's a nuisance. 

-If you do get him out in the snow, expect him to initiate a snowball fight almost immediately .

*{A White Elephant party is where you bring a gift and then everyone exchanges gifts. Some people get to steal the gifts from others while other people get really crappy gifts.}


-"What's Christmas?"

-He never got to have a real Christmas at home because his dad thought it was a waste.

-If you get him a gift, he wouldn't understand why.

-You explain about the holiday and then he starts to wish his dad allowed Christmas at home.

-You take him to see the lights around town and in some other neighborhoods. He really likes them and thinks they're pretty.

-Loves the snow. The second the first flake falls, he's outside for more.

-When you built his first snowman with him, he wanted to make an entire army of them.

-(You ran out of snow for a while, and then you ran out of space for your new snow army.)

-You brought up the idea of a snowball fight and he was kind of confused. You started the game and he caught on quickly. (He accidentally made a ball of ice with his quirk and threw it at you, but he was glad he missed. The last thing he wanted was to hurt you.)

-Since he never really got to have many sweets as a child, he's over the moon about all the sweet Christmas treats. (You have to watch him to make sure he doesn't make himself sick.)

-He really likes the music, he thinks it's pretty and calming to listen to.


-Is super enthusiastic about Christmas.

-He loves to be out in the snow with you. Just be prepared for a snowball fight from literally nowhere.

-If you don't want to go outside, he will gladly stay in with you and cuddle to your heart's content.

-Will sing Christmas songs at the top of his lungs and way out of tune. Neither of you really care, so long as you're having fun, that's what matters.

-Freaking loves Christmas cookies... but he's terrible at making them. [A.N: Same... I can't cook worth my life😅]

-If he does try to make cookies himself, he'd follow the recipe to the letter... but things will go wrong at some point.

-He's not very good at wrapping presents. It would either be painfully obvious, or the wrapping would be torn in bad places. (i.e: the corners.)

-Expect most of your gifts in bags because... he... yeah, he's bad with wrapping paper and will end up with tape in the strangest of places.

-Be careful when giving him hot chocolate, he'll more than likely burn himself accidentally.


-Do👏 Not 👏  Let 👏  Him 👏 NEAR 👏 THE 👏 LIGHTS!!!

-He will cause a power outage because he thought he could light up the entire house with just him and a single extension cord.

-Before you showed up in his life, he once caused the entire neighbor hood a black-out for a couple hours. (Let's just say he was dumb for quite a while and also got into a ton of trouble.)

-Doesn't really like the snow too much. The snow will melt on him and I'm pretty sure we all know water and electricity don't mix very well. He also doesn't really like the cold anyway.

-If he is outside with you, he has to wear thick mittens or gloves so he doesn't give a shock to anyone or himself.

-Doesn't really care for Christmas music too much. He'll listen, but he likes it best as a background noise.

-Loves him some cookies. You better hide them otherwise he'll eat all of them.

-Be careful when giving him hot chocolate. Like Kirishima, he'll accidentally burn himself when trying to drink it.

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