What Kind of Dog They Would Be

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[A.N: I'm weird, so don't even ask why or how I thought this up.]


-He would be something cuddly and loyal.

-Maybe a Golden Retriever?

-He'd be a smart dog if anything.

-Like, Midoriya would be able to learn things just by watching and even be able to pick up on certain key words.

-He's the kind of dog you would want to steal and take home just to keep him.

-Also, he sheds like there's no tomorrow and you're surprised he still has fur. [A.N: I have a dog like this lol 😅. He's huge and such a sweetheart.]



-Pomeranian, and do I really need to explain this?

-Jk Jk

-If not a Pomeranian, then some kind of big dog and something very protective/possessive and a little scary.

-The kind of dog you don't really want to leave alone with small children unattended.

-Meanwhile when he's alone with his owner, he's generally a good boy.

-Sometimes snappish, but he hasn't bitten anyone. (Usually he does this to strangers, he doesn't like new people invading his home.)


-Ha! Not a dog.

-He's a cat.

-Todoroki's too calm to be any kind of dog.

-While there may be some pretty chill dogs out there, he's a cat.

-Probably some kind of two-toned cat.



-Okay, now... hear me out.

-He might look like something really big and scary, but he's a total sweetheart and a little bit stupid.

-Although if/when the time came for it, he'd be tough and protective.

-Might cause trouble as a puppy, but he'd grow out of it. (He'd chew on a lot of things, so guard your shoes.)

-Also, mind the garden or any place with plants. He'll dig up practically everything. It might take a few tries to get him out of the habit of digging, but if you try hard enough, he'll stop... eventually.


-He'd be that one dumb mutt that just about everyone loves.

-He gets into a lot of trouble, but he tries to be a good boy... most of the time.

-Chases a lot of things, including his own tail. (At this point, you're just waiting for the day he bites his tail just a bit too hard so he'll learn his lesson.)

-He's a needful thing. Always wanting pets and your undivided attention.

-Makes a mess of the water bowl almost every chance he gets.

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